Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend Review........

My weekend actually started on Friday so I had 4 nice long days away & they were wonderful & crazy!!  I have to start by saying B cut 3.....that's right 3 top teeth last week so when they ALL finally broke through we all got some much needed sleep Thursday night!!

Took B to school for a few hours (6:30am - 10:30am) so that I could give the house a much needed cleaning & Lance could get some of the new window treatments hung; this house is bigger than our last & I needed a few more hours but we left picked up B & went to lunch with JuJu & PaPa anyway.  It is crazy that they say how much he has changed each time they see him; I know that I am with him everyday & see changes so I can't imagine what they see each time they look at him.  After lunch Lance, B & I ran some errands & then were were home for the night!

Lance had to work (booooo) so my girlfriend came over in the afternoon so that we could work on her wedding invites; I can't wait for her wedding on September 10th.  Their wedding date is their 5 year anniversary & I think that is the neatest thing!!  That night we had our friends Megs & Justin over for dinner & I don't want to toot my own horn but I made the best salmon I have ever made in my life & it was a very simple recipe.

4 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/3 cup bourbon
4 6oz. salmon fillets

melt the butter & add the brown sugar; bring to a simmer boil
add the salmon fillets skin up & cook for 5 minutes
flip salmon fillets
add the bourbon AROUND the salmon & cook until the salmon is flaky

We served it with salad, steamed broccoli, & twice baked potatoes & it was DELICIOUS!!!

JuJu watched Brayden while we attempted the lake again but again we had boat issues; this time though we decided to have someone on the lake look at the boat & after $100 an hour they found nothing wrong so our boat that has an engine on it that has less than 10.5 hours on it has to be brought back to where we purchased it & they will fix it our replace it for sure!!!! We made the best of the day & actually even had a good time where we were while the guy was working on the boat!!

I have spend the day with Brayden while Lance worked & I had a wonderful time being home with him....just the 2 of us but he had on heck of a rough day!  I can't believe it but I think the is getting another tooth in so he was in a good mood all day just kind of fussy here & there.  He wanted me to hold him but then he would push away from me, he wanted to crawl but then he would put his head down on the carpet, he loves to crawl on the hardwoods but today his hand slipped out from under him & he hit his little chubby cheek on the floor & lost it; he wanted to eat but would fuss the whole was so sad that my little man had a bad day but I enjoyed all the love I got from him & got to give him!!!!  B & I actually haven't had a day to ourselves in quite a while & it was really nice to just devote all my time & energy to my little man........I am really going to hate going back to work tomorrow!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Help Please.........

There was a post about a guilt free smores dessert that I want to try this weekend but I didn't print it out & now can't find it anywhere; it was something like crumbled up graham cracker crust, chocolate pudding & marshmallow fluff topped with chocolate shaving...............I must try this!!!

Anyone know who posted it???

Thankful on a Thursday..........

It has been a very trying past few weeks.  I have been on the verge of tears for what seems like an eternity; I am tired but can't sleep, B was cutting 3 teeth at once (the top 2 are finally through now just one more), I am hungry but when I see food I can only take but a bite or two, I miss Lance but have been getting so frustrated with him (& he the same with me), the AC went out in our rental home, & the list goes on & on & on. 

Every morning I get up to get ready for a job that I no longer enjoy, I have to kiss beautiful little boy good-bye after only an hour & twenty minutes with him & I see my husband for only about twenty minutes & when I finally pull myself away from them & get in the car I tend to ask God "Why am I feeling like this & what can I do to fix it & enjoy my life again?"  I have just been praying for his help & guidance & slowly but shirley I am letting go & giving it all to God........He will look after me always!!

I am thankful for:

35.  The overwhelming sense that He is ALWAYS with me!

36.  My uncle being home from the hospital resting & gearing up for his daughter's (my cousin's) wedding on July 9th.

37.  4 day weekends - today is my Friday!!

38.  Fly Swatters & all things that bring a smile to our sometimes grumpy little boy

39.  that he got this from me.............Like Mother, Like Son

40.  Sleeping Babies

41.  These love filled Blue Eyes that always brighten my day!!

42.  For the clean & fresh smell ouside after a rain storm

43.  For Emergen-C..........without this my head for fall on my desk just about everyday!!

What are you thankful for??
Head over to the Tarr Pit to Link Up!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So, I posted that I had the new dish at Olive Garden on Saturday but I forgot to say what it was so I thought I would look it up & found the nutritional facts about it & OH MY GOD!!!

 Five Cheese Crespelle with Chicken, features oven-baked Italian crepes filled with five Italian cheeses, and topped with herb-marinated chicken and mushrooms sauteed in a garlic cream sauce.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Entree
Amount per Serving
Calories 1260 Calories from Fat 783

% Daily Value *
Total Fat 87g 134%
Saturated Fat 40g 200%
Sodium 1990mg 83%
Total Carbohydrate 56g 19%
Dietary Fiber 4g 16%
Protein 0%

Est. Percent of Calories from:
Fat 62.1%
Carbs 17.8%
Protein 0.0%

How can it have no protein; it has grilled chicken on it??  The high fat grams must eat all the protein before t gets to my mouth!!  It really is a too die for dish!!

Weekend Review......

We had such a great weekend but I am beat!!  Saturday I spent the whole day out with B & his JuJu buying window treatments for all the rooms & doors in the house that still needed them & let me just say that my little man did great!!  He was a trooper all day & was in the best mood which was a good thing because were we out shopping from 9:30-3:30; we did stop for lunch in there & HOLY COW the new dish at Olive Garden is AMAZING!!  We got home rested a bit & then PaPa came over & JuJu & I ran out to one more place while B & PaPa spent some quality time together!  JuJu stayed the night so that we could get up to the boat early Sunday morning............

"They" (whom ever they are) say that the 2 happiest days of being boat owner are the day you buy it & the day you sell it & after Sunday "they" might be right!!  It never fails that the first day on the lake everything goes wrong & this Sunday was no different.
Lance wanted to go up Saturday night & bring the boat to the house so that we could clean it & check it out there but I didn't want it sitting in the street all night so I convinced him that we would just go up really early & get everything done........he was worried about the battery but I told him "we have the jump box baby we will be fine".  Well we got the boat cleaned, we checked & made sure that there was power by turning on the radio & there was we then backed her up into the water & NOTHING the battery was so dead hat the jump box wouldn't even get it to turn over so we Lance & Marcus had to pull the boat the rest of the way off the trailer & pull it with a rope over to the dock so that Lance could then run to the damn store to get another battery........he did that got back & we were off & trying to shake off the bad vibe of the morning!
The guys did that by drinking a beer & us girls had a might be thinking it is pretty early for drinking but things are different on the lake I promise you :)  We went over near a cove....."Cocktail Cove" & just floated, relaxed & hung out while we waited for some more friends to get there & when they finally did we went to start the boat to go meet them & nothing happened.  The boat was trying to start but it just wouldn't; we knew it wasn't the battery so what could it be this time you might ask????  It was the gas that we left sitting in the boat all winter; it had gone bad (which I didn't really know could even happen!!)

We finally get the boat to start & we sputter our way over to a gas dock to fill it up & pray that they have a much needed gas additive so that we can get this issue resolved but they only had gas no additive but the guy at the dock told us to just drive around for a while to get it filtered out & we should be fine so we go over to where our friends are (still sputtering the whole way) & just decide to turn it off & try to enjoy the beautiful day & we just prayed that she would start again when we needed her too.

Meghan & Justin
Marcus & Kristin
Like I said we prayed that the boat would start & it finally did...... but getting it back onto the trailer was kind of a struggle.  We got it done though & over all I would say the day was laughable but how can I really complain about being in the sun, on the water, & with good friends???  I am happy that B wasn't there to see the debacle that day but Lance is going to get the boat fixed this week & ready for his boating debut next Sunday or Monday!!

Song of the Day........Our Lake Song!!  Rodney Atkins - These Are My People

Friday, May 21, 2010

I Am Ready for the Weekend!!

This week has seemed so long & I am so ready for the weekend; especially because we are going to be making our 1st trip of the summer up to Lake Lanier on Sunday.  With me being pregnant last summer we didn't really get up to the lake that often so I am really looking forward to it not to mention I can't wait to take B up there for some fun in the sun!!  We won't be taking him this Sunday because there will be a lot of cleaning going on but he will be up there soon enough!!

The theme for Brayden's 1st birthday has been decided & if you saw his nursery you will not be is going to be a Georgia Bulldog Event!!  Lance & I went back & forth about using this as the theme because I didn't want it to just be Bulldog faces & Georgia G's all over the place so we have come to the agreement that his party is going to be a UGA/Bulldog themed party with momma's touch to it.  So the first thing on the list is the invite because it is our son's 1st birthday party & I want it to be as original as possible, special, fun & kid cute so no already printed & over used invites are going to do!!  They will be in the works right after I get B's picture taken & then after they are designed the other planning will begin & I can't wait!!

Song of the Day: No Doubt - Just A Girl

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday.......

I started this blog when I was pregnant as more of a way to keep a log of everything that was happening in our lives & so that I could always look back at it & remember but I have grown to really enjoy writing my blogs & have really enjoyed getting to know & read about all of you as well.  However, I have to say that I am sometimes very shocked when I read a blog where someone has put themselves out there & then see some of the rude comments that are left for that person!  I know that we are all putting ourselves out there for the world to see & read about but since when is it alright to judge someone just because they are not how you are or how you think they should be?  Who are any of us to judge or cast a stone at anyone else??  Blogging is a release & way to even vent sometimes for me so if you don't like what I have to say then move on but don't judge because.........

21.  I am thankful for who & how I am because whether I am being controlling, loving, having an OCD moment, moody, bitchy, uplifting, caring, happy, sad, quite, talkative.......I am who I am & that is good enough for me!

22.   All your thoughts & prayers for my don't know me but yet you are here for me so THANK YOU; it means more to me than you can know!

23.   Southern Charm & Etiquette - I volunteered at B's school last Friday; it was teacher appreciation week & they were having a luncheon for all the teachers so needed parents to sit in the classes while they enjoyed themselves & I was happy to do it!!  I pick B up from school yesterday & what do I find in his diaper bag when I get home??  A wonderful Thank You note from Mrs. Courtney thanking me for my warmed my heart!!

24.   Sweet Furbabies
Bella Bear Goodson
Georgia Love Goodson

25.   Chubby Cheeks

26.   That I get to see Brayden change & grow on a day to day basis

27.  The Goddard School

28.   Rock Star Pajamas

29.   STTN - every once & a's like he knows right when I need it the most
30.  Little Boy Pumas - We are a Puma wearing family & these are the latest & greatest addition to his closet.  Please note that at this rate he will have more shoes than his momma!

31.   The bond between a father & son

32.  My ever growing Faith in God
33. That Lance let me get new furniture for our living room & that included this very girlie chair

34. For my best friend in the whole world.........other than Lance that is!

What are you thankful for today??

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Prayers Please.......

I have struggled about posting about this because I tend to hold stuff that makes me really get emotional inside, bound up tightly so no one sees me upset. My sister had a brain tumor & went through & is still going through a very long remission process & now my uncle is having to go through I think his 3rd surgery for his cancer & I am just going to ask that everyone say a little prayer for them both.

My sister is in remission but the radiation, chemo, removal surgery & the brain tumor itself took it's toll on her; I love her with all my heart & pray that she stays in remission for ever but I guess my biggest fear is that she won't & we will lose her before she gets old & gray!!

My Uncle (my mom's sister's husband) has been battling cancer for a while now & just last week went through a very long surgery & chemo procedure.  The Cytoreduction (Debulking) Surgery takes about 12 hours to preform & is done to remove the "bulk" of the tumors.  While the surgery was being preformed they also preformed Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) which is supposed to take care of all of the smaller tumors that can't be seen just by looking.  This a a sentence from the website link.......doesn't it sound pleasant?

 A slang phrase used for this combination debulking surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy treatment is "shake and bake"; "shake" referring to the swishing around of the chemotherapy solution in the abdomen while in surgery and "bake" referring to the higher temperature of the chemotherapy solution. 

My uncle is doing well & hopefully will be getting all the tubes removed today but if you could please take a moment & say a prayer for him & my sister as well I would appreciate it.

Weekend Review.......

Lance & I both took Thursday & Friday off to spend with my family last week & I don't know why but we always seem to do so much when they are here that when they leave we are all exhausted.  Don't get me wrong we had a blast but when I am falling asleep on the sofa & 7:30pm on a Sunday night you know I am exhausted.

Lance, Brayden & Puddy took Puddy's truck to Ford to see PaPa & JuJu (Lance's mom & dad) & also to get a part for my dad's truck since on the way here his cruise control went out & it HAD to be fixed before the trip home so my mom, sis & I just went out & about shopping for a while until they got home & then they had to run to Brandsmart to return the fridge we purchased the weekend before for a different (it did match the stainless steel appliances we already had because it had a nickle coating on it).  They got the fridge home & then ran back out to get pine straw for the front yard.  After a long day we made shrimp, chicken & steak kabobs & enjoyed a yummy dinner, watched Avatar & just relaxed the rest of the night.

Lance & my dad were off to Home Depot again to get some plants for the yard & they worked in the yard a good bit of the day while we played inside; they also put my beautiful mother's day gift from my mom & dad in the front yard for me!!  Brayden had his 1st accident that afternoon; he got a pretty bad bump on his head BUT was just fine!!  We decided not to cook that night since it was such a long day so we headed out to On the Border for dinner & it was GOOD!!!

 We had a yard sale; we had a good bit to sale because of the move & the fact that I have changed the room decor a good bit.  We did really well & only had one box of stuff left over so Lance took everything to Goodwill & then went to buy a table & chairs for the front porch while Mom, Mandie, Brayden & I went to his school 1st was hot & he couldn't do much at all anything so we didn't stay long at all. 
We did stay long enough for me to bid on a big bouncy blow up thing for B's 1st Birthday party; we planned on getting one for the older kids & maybe B too depending & would love to win it in the silent auction & save that money for other birthday necessities!!  We ordered yummy Chinese for dinner & then watched "The Edge of Darkness".

The past few days have started pretty early & Sunday morning was no different; Brayden has decided that 4am is the time that he wants to be up & out of bed now so we are working on changing that ASAP!!  But we got up & played & ate & tried to spend as much time as we could with my parents before they left at 8am.  Brayden was asleep so he didn't get to say bye BUT I know that he was sad when he woke up & they were gone!!  Lance's parents came over to visit later that morning & then Lance & I went out for lunch just the 2 of us; it was so nice to just sit & talk with my amazing husband for a little while.

Throughout the whole week my parents watched Brayden his crawling became a non-stop occurrence & he is now pulling up on anything & everything not to mention he lets go & stands all by himself for up to 10 seconds at a time. I feel like my little baby is disappearing & taking his place is a little boy; as much as I love to watch him grow & change I am sad to see my baby disappearing right before my eyes!