Thursday, September 30, 2010

Crocs Are In The House..........

I have never been a fan of Crocs & have always thought that they were a silly shoe HOWEVER I changed my tune when B started to hate waiting while I put on & tied his shoes every time we would leave the house.  He loves to go outside & when he would see me grab his shoes he would know that we were either leaving the house or going outside to play either way he wanted out the door as fast as possible & had no patience for me trying to put on & tie his ever adorable growing Puma shoe collection.  So I gave in & bought him a pair of Crocs just to see if he would even be able to walk in them; he can & he loves that they are on in only 2 seconds & then we are out the door.

They are so small that I think that they are adorable & not to mention he does make them look good!!  We of course had to get a Mickey Mouse to go on them since he LOVES him!!!

I also have to menion that he will soon own these bad boys; they are fur lined & perfect for winter!!  
Aren't they adorable??

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brayden Loves His Cousins.........

This past weekend we had a family lunch to celebrate Lance's, Cindy's (Lance's sister) & my birthday; it is always such a fun time when we all can get together!!  B & I went over to JuJu & PaPa's early since Lance was golfing that morning (plus I wanted him to stay on his regular napping schedule); we met B's JuJu & 2 cousins at Waffle House for breakfast. It was B's 1st ever Waffle House experience & all I have to say is he LOVED the waffle he had!!

After breakfast we went back to JuJu's house to play.  Brayden loved watching his cousins play & fight; I think that he was observing & taking it all in so that he could learn how to beat up his little brother or sister.  Max & Caleb found these big fists (I think they are from Fantastic 4 - The Thing) that they used to play with...........the whole time Brayden just stared at them & laughed.
After playing in the play room for a while we all went down stairs & the boys tried to get on the didn't work out very well for them though!! He slowly but surely got right where he wanted to be!!
His cousins are so great with him & he really had a great time with them; I wish that they lived closer & that we got to see them more though!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bumps & Bruises

I have said it before & I am going to have to say it again.......
Brayden is ALL BOY ALL THE TIME & he has the bumps & bruises to prove it!! 

Can you see the scrapes on his forehead & knee??  These are just 2 of the many bumps & bruises he gets on a week to week sometimes a day to day basis!!

A Bit Slide Obsessed!!

At the suggestion of some of my readers on different things to do with Brayden through out the days I started taking him to the mall for walking, window shopping & playing!!  I don't know why I totally forgot that the Mall of GA had a play area for kids but I did; I think it is because I hardly ever need to go to that side of the mall...........not a big Nordstrom shopper (wish I was but I'm not).

The 1st time I took him he was a bit uneasy about the whole thing but warmed up after about ummmmm 5 seconds & then he was running around with the other kids acting like he owned the place; I of course forgot my camera that day & have only remembered it one time actually!  The time I did remember it it was a very sunny day & the sun was shining right on the indoor play area so these photos kind of suck but I think that you can still see the utter JOY on his face as he plays!!  He is slide obsessed & didn't have much patience for the little girl that just wanted to sit there; we are going to have to work on his manners & patience ALOT as he ages I think.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baby G. #2

Baby G. is due May 6, 2011

Friday, September 24, 2010

Teething Is Getting The Best of Our Little Guy.........

Brayden is so miserable & nothing seems to help him; he is getting in 4 big boy teeth right now.........that's right he is getting a molar in every corner of his mouth!!  I give him Tylenol but it only helps for a little while, he bites the thing in the above picture & it massages his gums & helps for a bit as well but not long enough, we have tried teething tablets & baby Oragel but it seems as though our poor little boy is just going to be uncomfortable, in pain & a tad on the moody side until they finish coming in.  I am OK with all of this but I just hate that there is nothing that I can do for him & I hate that he is sleeping so poorly as well; he isn't waking up all the way during the night but he is very restless, moves around alot & whines/whimpers quite a bit as well.  It is so sad & I know that if he could at least get a good nights sleep he would feel a little better through out the day!

I'm Jealous..........

I am very jealous of my son's eyelashes; they are absolutely beautiful!!  They are full, dark & long & next to his blue eyes they are stunning; if I didn't wear mascara you wouldn't even see mine so I am VERY jealous!!  Do you see what I am talking about?? 

Is it bad that I feel this way??

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

90 Day Budget Boot Camp - Challenge #12 Update

Challenge #12
Now that you've saved money, give something away.  Make a donation from your "stash".  Now that you are saving money, was it easier to give?  Did you have more to give?  What did you give and where did you donate it?  Was it worth it?  Also discuss the overall challenge - your ups and downs, struggles, if it's helped your budget, what helped most, what you will or will not continue, and if the benefits are worth it.

I am so happy to have been a party of such a wonderful & amazing teaching challenge; just the other day I had my greatest saving moment yet.  I walked into Babies R Us & purchased a 140 count box of Pampers, 2 new silverware sets for B & some new hangers & paid ZERO DOLLARS!!!  I couldn't believe it when the cashier said thank you & have a great day instead that will be $50 some odd dollars; it was an amazing feeling & I can't wait for it to happen again!!  We are now a one income family so every penny saved is a great help & I am hoping that as more time passes I become more & more saving savvy!!

This week we had to give something away so I cleaned out my closet & gave what I had to a local battered women & children's shelter.  I also used my coupon savvyness to get some of the more personal items that they are always in need of from CVS, Walgreens, & Kroger.  I only spend about $20 but managed to get them 5 very full bags of feminine hygiene products, kids socks, bath essentials, & a few toys & books for the kids!  I hope that everything I sent them helps & I am going to try to make it a monthly thing that we do in the Goodson household.  I plan on donating more of our in the future as well; I really didn't have any extra time this past week but I know that I can make some in the near future!!
The was the last challenge of Budget Boot Camp is sponsored by Peter Pan, not only did they send us challengers 4 jars of their delicious peanut butter but they are also hosting a giveaway so make sure you go sign up!!

I have really enjoyed being a part of this challenge & know that with time our savings will increase tremendously.  I have learned that their is a technique to this whole thing & that once you take the time to get into the groove of it all it can be fun & in the long run VERY rewarding for the wallet!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

NFL Football Season Has Arrived!!

I am playing catch up so please bear with me; our computer was acting up so we had to take it in to get looked at so I am WAY behind on posts.

The NFL football season started 2 Sundays ago & the Goodson household was ready for sure!!  I mean what can be better than a Sunday full of warm dips, homemade Chili (when it gets colder), snack food & a bunch of grown men chasing & pig skin covered ball??  NOTHING I TELL YOU!!

If you have been following my blog for a while you know that I am a NY Giants Fan & Lance is a Indianapolis Colts fan & that makes football season interesting in our household.  Both of our teams have Manning's as their quarterbacks so we fight constantly over which Manning is better; Peyton has been playing longer so he has more experience but Eli went & won a Superbowl Championship at a younger age than Peyton so I think that means Eli is better so that means the Giants are better but please don't judge us by the game last night against the Colts.............we looked awful!!!

Brayden has chosen the correct team to root for & wore his Giants Jersey proudly on September 12th; I think we all enjoyed the day tremendously.............well I did the Giants WON & the Colts LOST!!
We had friends over to watch the game; they are Cowboy fans but we love them anyway & plus they are expecting their 1st little guy soon!

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Best Friends Wedding.............

One of my best friends in the whole world was married on September 10th; the wedding was beautiful & she was a very stunning bride!  She & her now husband chose that date because it was their 5 year anniversary to the date..........could they be anymore romantic?? 

Here are the photos that she just sent me from her photographer!

13 Months Old

Gone are the days of my little baby boy sitting still for pictures anything at all really; he is all boy all of the time & is now a toddler that is constantly on the go.  I love that he is so active but I hate that I can't seem to get a good picture of him in his glider anymore!  This is what I get now.............
& these are the good ones that I had to fight to get his little face in.  Most of the time every picture looks like these do.............
Most of them are really blurry because he is moving ALL the time but if he manages to slow down for a second I get his ear, the top of his head, only half of his face or his backside.  I am trying to convenience Lance that if I had a better camera I would be able to get good pictures under these conditions but I am not sure he is buying it!!

Brayden's taste buds seem to be changing quite a bit & he now seems to dislike all vegetables & most fruits; he used to eat everything under the sun but now it is a struggle to get him to eat something other than a grilled cheese, peanut butter & jelly, teddy grahams, yogurt, pasta, or chicken fingers (but only the Tyson kind).

He has learned to spit & does it often & having a mouth full of food doesn't stop him either!  It is funny some of the time but most of the time t can be quite gross.  He is talking up a storm & we are starting to understand him more & more as each day passes.

He is a total mommas boy & I love every minute of it.  He loves to be outside & would be out there all day everyday if I would let him.  He is still wearing a size 4 diaper & 12-18 month clothes.  He is VERY independent & wants to do everything by himself & never wants to hold our hands!!  He has bumps & bruises all over himself from playing & thankfully doesn't cry when he gets hurt.

Brayden is teething like crazy & is up to 7 (almost 8) teeth now; I wish they would come in already because the drooling is insane.  He is STTN perfectly & is down to 1 nap a day.  We are all done with bottles & the next thing to go is his pacifier; he only gets it at nap & night time so we are hoping that it isn't too hard to get rid of.

He is a joy each & everyday & really is an amazing little boy.  He of course has his moments but honestly he is so happy & smiley most of the time.  Lance & I are so very lucky to have been blessed with such a loving little boy & don't know how but we love him more & more as each day goes by!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary.........

3 Years ago today I married my best friend in the whole entire world & we have been on the greatest adventure ever since........I love my husband with all of my heart & thank God for bringing us together every day!!  We are going to dinner this weekend & I can't wait.............Nava here we come!!

90 Day Boot Camp - Challenge #11 Update

Challenge #11
Start a rewards program this week, make one purchase, and roll your rewards. Was it hard to figure out what to buy initially? What about what to purchase to roll your rewards? Do you think there is a benefit to taking part in a rewards program? Would it benefit you? Do you think the time investment is worth it the savings?
I have been using reward programs for a while now & it all started when I was pregnant with Brayden & we registered at Babies R Us they were telling me about their rewards program so we signed up but I really thought that nothing would really come in the mail because nothing ever had in the past with all the little "thingys" I used on my key chain.  Well, I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised when I received the mail one day because when I opened the envelope that said Babies R Us Rewards I found that they had sent $50worth of FREE money that I could use at their store as well as pages of coupons.

I was hooked from then on out & made sure that for every "thingy" I had on my key chain that I used they had my correct address & information & I love to open the mail & find free money & coupons for things that I use all day everyday.  It was time consuming to go back & update the information but it has been so worth it in the long run. 

The next challenge is our final challenge & I can't believe that this adventure with the other ladies will be done; thankfully the things that I have learned with continue to help our overall budget!!

Challenge #12
Now that you've saved money, give something away.  Make a donation from your "stash".  Now that you are saving money, was it easier to give?  Did you have more to give?  What did you give and where did you donate it?  Was it worth it?  Also discuss the overall challenge - your ups and downs, struggles, if it's helped your budget, what helped most, what you will or will not continue, and if the benefits are worth it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

90 Day Budget Boot Camp - Challenge #10 Update

Challenge #10
Think about one thing your family purchases that you could do without to save money - paper towels? Disposable diapers? Now, go without it for the week. How did it effect your life? How would it effect your budget if you no longer purchased it? What other items could you family do without? Plus your experience and if you were successful or not.

This week we went without any snacks in the house; I know that this might not seem like something hard to give up but it was for us.  We like to munch on popcorn while watching TV at night & we really enjoy chips & salsa on almost a daily basis & not to mention the sweets.  I didn't buy anything like that this week & although it sucked when we wanted something it really wasn't that bad & we are probably better off from a health stand point as well.

Overall I would love to continue to do this, maybe not to the extreme of having NO snack foods but cutting back tremendously would be great for our budget & waistlines.  It is amazing to me how much that type of food cost & most of the time we think nothing of it because we "want" it.  Without purchasing any snack type foods & really only buying things that were on sale or that I had a coupon for I saved a ton this week & it really was a great feeling & I think the most that I have saved during a single shopping trip.........that was the best feeling!!

I can't believe that the challenge is almost over with; I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to be a part of it & so is my wallet!!

Next Challenge #11
Start a pharmacy program this week, make one purchase, and roll your rewards. Was it hard to figure out what to buy initially? What about what to purchase to roll your rewards? Do you think there is a benefit to taking part in a pharmacy program? Would it benefit you? Do you think the time investment is worth it the savings?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Brushing B's Teeth

We were told by the doctor to start brushing Brayden's teeth & really thought nothing of it UNTIL I tried to do it & he threw a huge fit.  He went down to his knees screaming like I had just cut his tongue with the tooth brush; he was a mess over it!!  I finally just handed him the tooth brush & all he wanted to do was put it is him mouth & run with it & well that is not safe at all so we are settling for him sitting down & chewing on it for a few minutes 3 times a day brushing his teeth.  Is that bad?  Oh yeah & he hates the kids toothpaste that I bought too.  Do you think it is maybe the toothbrush & if so what kind do your kids like??

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Being A SAHM Mom ROCKS!!!

Last Thursday was my last day of work & I am officially a SAHM now & LOVE it; thank you to my wonderful husband for making all of my dreams come true!!  I love spending my days with Brayden & watching him grow, play, talk up a storm & even nap.  Yes this week I have caught myself watching him when he is napping; he is so peaceful & adorable when he is sleeping & I can't help but stare at him!  I mean look at him..........isn't he so cute curled up with his favorite cow???
I have to admit that I need to find more activities for us to do during the day though; I feel like he gets bored with the same ol' toys & doing the same ol' routine too so if anyone has any suggestions of fun things for Brayden & I to do we would love to hear them!!

We play outside as much as we can in the mornings before it gets too hot & I can't wait for early fall to arrive so we can play outside in the afternoons as well.  I think that he would run around in the back yard with the dogs all day everyday & NEVER get bored with it.  He loves to play on his slide that his Grams & Puddy got him for his birthday
& also loves to go to the little neighborhood park we have but it is still so hot in the afternoons after his nap & we have absolutely no shade at all in our backyard so I can't let him go out there for more that 5-10 minutes before he is hot, sweaty & the other day even got a heat rash.
We have also been going to the pool some afternoons & he loves that too but I need more ideas & things for us too do.................

Just a little FYI too.........Brayden is going to be 13 months old tomorrow & I feel like we just had his 1st Birthday last week!!!

90 Day Budget Boot Camp - Challenge #9 Update

Challenge #9
Make something from scratch - bread, pita pockets, hot pockets? Laundry detergent? Cleaning products? Anything you often purchase. In the end, how much did the homemade version cost versus the price you typically pay? Was it worth it? Did it save you money? Where did you struggle with this challenge? What things do you think your family could make at home to save you money?

This wasn't a hard challenge for me since I like to make things from scratch; this week I attempted biscuits though!!  They turned out alright I guess but not great really; I think that there is an art to making really wonderful "southern" style biscuits & I am now determined to make them perfect in look & taste!!  Baking from scratch is always going to be a little time consuming but I find it very relaxing.........just like laundry is too me!  I am going to attempt to make bread for the week next week so wish me luck :)
I didn't get around to any other DIY projects; however I was reading one of the other 90 Day Budget Boot Campers updates yesterday & WILL be making a daily shower spray that she uses ASAP!!  It sound pretty easy & I hope that it works well too.
Daily Shower Spray
3 cups rubbing alcohol
1 tablespoon dish soap
4 tablespoons rinse detergent
3 quarts water
scented oil {your favorite scent, as much as is needed}
1/2 cup – 2/3 cup peroxide {depending on bottle size}

Mix all ingredients except peroxide in a large container, with a lid.
This makes a lot, and be saved for future use.
For a 24 oz bottle, add 1/2 cup peroxide. Fill the rest of the bottle with the pre-mixed solution.
For a 32 oz bottle, add 2/3 cup peroxide. Fill the rest of the bottle with the pre-mixed solution.

Up Next: Challenge #10
Think about one thing your family purchases that you could do without to save money - paper towels? Disposable diapers? Now, go without it for the week. How did it effect your life? How would it effect your budget if you no longer purchased it? What other items could you family do without? Plus your experience and if you were successful or not.