So, I printed out the birthing plan that the bump offers online yesterday & took it home so that Lance & I could look it over & see what exactly we have to tell the doctors & midwives to make sure things happen the way that we are planning. Lance didn't have a chance to look at it since he had another late night at work :( but we will look it over together tomorrow on his day off!! What I know for a fact right now though is that I want Lance to be there with me through the whole birthing process & then my mom & his mom will be there (in the room) as well but I am not sure about them being there for the whole thing...that I am just going to decide when everything is happening; I might care or I might not, I have never done this before so I just don't know how I am going to feel about them in the room with so much going on & I am sure that I will just be trying to focus on Brayden & the labor so too many people might be a distraction. I also know that I want to deliver naturally; no drugs (epidural or IV), no induction medications, I would prefer no episomity & I do want the baby to be in my & Lance's sight at all times so no leaving the room for any reason (my only exception to that might be when Brayden is circumcised; not sure if I want to witness that or not...but again I will see how I feel at the time).
I know that every woman is different & I don't knock anyone for the choices that they have made for themselves....everyone makes the right choices for themselves & their family. I know that everything that I have just said about how we want the day/days of labor to go are all just WANTS & things could change, but they are mine & Lance's wants & desires for the deliver of our child & I think that they should be respected by all doctors, nurses, midwives, family & friends. With that being said, I am shocked at the reactions that people have when I say that I want to go natural.....just because you did it one way does not mean that, that is the only way it can be done & I would appreciate it if everyone would get behind these decisions & support us & not say "ouch, are you crazy" or I really love this one "you are just saying that now but you just wait until the pain starts" you really think that I am sitting here thinking that everything is going to be pain free & feel awesome, that delivering our baby is going to be a walk in the park?? I know that it is painful to deliver a child & I am preparing myself to deal with that pain using different methods, but I also know that with Lance by my side supporting me through the whole delivery that he & I can get through the pain & delivery together, as a couple & as a team. He is my rock to lean on & I know that we can do it!!
Like I said before we also do know & realize that things happen & things could change during delivery but WE, (LANCE & I) will deal with those things when & if they arise the day Brayden decides to join us but until then BACK OFF....Lance & I can make our own decisions about OUR child!
I think that's great that you are going in with a plan. It's always helpful to have an idea of what you are fixing to get into and knowing how you will handle each thing that comes along. Sometimes exicitment takes over and now you will have a plan to keep you grounded and focused. Of course plans never go as you want them to but when you are having a baby.... They are always Better than you could have ever imagined. Many blessing to you and your lil' one. Enjoy every second!