What is going on with your baby during week 32?
Brayden’s sleeping and waking patterns will be distinct. Nevertheless it will still be hard for you to figure out if Brayden is wide awake or sleeping owing to it being very active during periods of light sleep following the REM. By this week Brayden weighs almost 4lb and measures at 18.9in full length from crown to rump length. Within two months, the big day will arrive, and Brayden is just as excited as you are--something you can probably feel from the increasing activity in your tummy! Brayden is nearly filling up your entire uterus. Most of the time, his head will be facing upward, but there's still enough room to somersault now and then. In his spare time, he is getting ready for his first loving look at Mom & Dad, as he practices opening and closing his eyes. Brayden’s skin is also becoming less wrinkled, as layers of fat continue to plump out the body. He will gain weight more quickly now and will probably double in weight between now and his birth. Just like a newborn, your baby sleeps most of the time. He even experiences rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the period of sleep when we dream! This week marks the peak of your baby's movements; from now until delivery he will have very little room to move around and you will probably notice a marked decrease in kicks, punches, and rolls.
How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 lbs
Maternity clothes? yep....still wearing some non maternity dresses & skirts though
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: again, I am not sure what this word "sleep" means.....I will have to google it.
Best moment this week: getting some much needed work done in Brayden's nursery....curtains are hung & his dresser arrives today (I hope)
Movement: he is moving a ton
Food cravings: anything that has sugar in it
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: unfortunately....but we have that under control now!!
Belly Button in or out? half in half out....it just looks weird
What I miss: being intimate with Lance
What I am looking forward to: the arrival of Brayden's dresser today....it has only been about 3 months since it was ordered
Weekly Wisdom: rest & drink plenty of fluids....dehydration is a very bad thing!!
Milestones: It was not a good reason why but being hooked up to the monitors when I was having contractions last Friday & got to hear his little heartbeat for hours....it got me really nervous but excited for our little ones arrival.
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