Tuesday, June 30, 2009

36 Week Doctor Appt....TAKE 2

Sooooo, I had to go back to the doctor today because the lab messed up my Strep B test & I thought that all I would have to do is go back to a room & get the swab done again & be done with it all. That is apparently not how Kaiser works...I had to do the appointment over!! I had to pee in the cup, get on the scale, temp., blood pressure, & then the swab again & while down there she asked if I wanted my cervix checked. Of course I said why not & I am glad that I did; NOT that it is anything to do a back flip over but I am 75% effaced & in -1 station which is a change from yesterdays 40% & -3 station. I am not dilated but feel like I have made some sort of progress & at this point that is good news.......she told me to continue my nightly walks & try swimming as well to help with getting some pain free exercise. When I was leaving today the doctor said "see you next week, if you make it until then", is there something she is not telling me or do they just start saying that at this point in pregnancy?? Anyway, I am happy with the small progress that I have made & just hope that at my 37 week appt. next Monday there is a bit more.

36 Weeks Along

Brayden Lance Goodson – 36 Weeks Old Today & We Can’t Wait To Meet Him!!!
Brayden has added another one-half pound and now weighs nearly 6 pounds, measures almost 19 inches in length, and is almost ready to check out of "Hotel Mom." Brayden has moved downward into your pelvic cavity; hopefully headfirst. Space is getting cramped; Brayden’s growth slows down considerably from now on. This month baby's weight increase will be about 25% only. For example baby will weigh about 6lbs and measure about 21 in from crown to rump at the start of the month (currently) but by the time you deliver, his weight and length will be 7.5lbs. This applies to an average sized baby; some babies will be smaller and others bigger. Around this time your baby is still growing and there should be no problem if it is born any time from now on. The lungs are maturing, a process which will continue after the birth. Since it is less roomy in the uterus, your baby cannot move much so you are unlikely to feel as many kicks and elbows. You may notice your "belly" seems to have dropped and may seem slightly smaller. That's because your baby has dropped lower in your pelvis, relieving some of the pressure on your abdomen. While he may still move around a bit in the weeks to come, generally he'll settle comfortably in the lower part of your uterus. In the meantime, Brayden’s brain tissue continues to develop, and finally, the lungs and respiratory system are nearing maturity.

Your Body This Week
Well, there's no getting around it--you're feeling like you're carrying a beach ball! Driving will become more difficult, as will sitting in the front seat of a vehicle; going up and down stairs will start to feel like climbing a mountain! Even though you have a few weeks to go, your weight may stabilize around this time, so you won't get much larger. Stay off your feet as much as possible to minimize swelling and cramping, and rest when you can. You will probably visit your health care provider on a weekly basis now--a sign that the delivery day is drawing near. Although your appointments will be frequent, they'll also be short; bring a list of any questions you have, particularly about labor and delivery.

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 28 lbs as of yesterday - I lost 3 lbs some how (probably water weight)
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? none yet but I feel like I am stretching more now than ever before
Sleep: same as usual; sleeping about a good 2 hours & then I toss & turn - HORRIBLE nightmares last night (I actually woke up crying)
Best moment this week: we had another baby shower. It as thrown by my bosses & their gift to Lance & I was a nursery beside my office so that I can bring Brayden to work with me!!! WOO HOO, NO DAYCARE!
Movement: All the time; it still amazes me.
Food cravings: actually my appetite is slowing down quite a bit, BUT I want fruit all day everyday (so at least it is something good for me)
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: I have contractions daily
Belly Button in or out? out; really out by the end of the day
What I miss: being able to walk & exercise with out blowing up like a balloon
What I am looking forward to: We are doing our hospital tour this Thursday & we are (finally) having a good friend take some maternity photos this weekend, plus I get a 3 day weekend for the 4th!!
Weekly Wisdom: rest, rest, rest
Milestones: getting our car seat & stroller; when we went to BRU to get them I actually cried. Can't believe he will be here soon.

36 Week Doctor Appt.

So yesterday I had my 36 week doctor appt. & there is NOTHING to report. I am not dilated at all so Brayden is still snug as a bug in a rug in there. They just keep telling m that his head is "really" low so to just keep trying to take it easy. what exactly does that mean?? Anyway, I had my Group B Streptococcus swab done yesterday & of course it was no big deal; just a long q-tip test BUT on my way home from work yesterday I get a message from the doctor telling me that she put the q-tip in the wrong specimen tube so I need to come back in today & have the test redone. No, the test doesn't hurt but damn it all to hell.....I have to leave work again, undress again & then get "swabbed" again; BOO!! Anyway, I am hoping that the test comes back negative since I don't want to have to take the medicine NOR do I want to have an IV while in labor. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

35 Weeks 5 Days...

Excuse the way I look...this was a very long weekend!

Weekend Review

So we had a wonderfully productive weekend it feels good to be almost done with our to do list! Friday Lance was off so we had the sofa & carpets cleaned as well as the dogs getting groomed......that night when I got home from work we decided that we needed to run out & get Lance some new clothes; he has lost 32 lbs. in the past few months (he says that he has to get ready to chase his little boy around) so he needed new pants for sure. We did that & then went to On the Boarder for dinner.....I don't have any idea why I torture myself with even going there; the salt content that is in everything there is awful & I woke up Saturday swollen just like I knew I would but it was good the night before!!

Saturday we had our baby shower with my co-workers, friends & family (see previous post) & it was such an wonderful time then when we left there & met 2 of our friends out for dinner. It was nice to see them but I was so tired from the full day of events so I was ready to get home, get in my comfy clothes & get some much needed rest! We were supposed to have our maternity photos taken before the shower but our friend that was doing them ended up having to reschedule them until this Sunday...I was so bummed but understood of course.

Sunday we got up early & ran a bunch of errands that we still had to do. We had a nice relaxing breakfast at Atlanta Bread Company, then ran over to target to exchange some stuff & get our baby monitor for me to have here at work. We decided to get one with a camera on it since Brayden will be here with me at work BUT in the next room & then we were off to Babies R Us to do the same thing. We had to exchange some stuff & use the gift cards that we received to get Brayden's car seat, stroller, 2nd base for Lance's car, breathable bumpers (that don't fit our crib), & a few other things! We left Babies R Us & then had to go to Sam's for some grocery shopping & then it was off to the mall to walk around & get some exercise; I am trying to walk every night & it was too hot yesterday to do it outside to we walked the mall for about 2 hours. Needless to say i was exhausted but felt good at the same time if that makes since. I was so excited to finally have his car seat & just wanted to get home & have Lance put it in my car but he put together a few other things....

The dogs thought that they could help with the swing assembly....

Here is Brayden's Swing....it is so sweet!!

Lance has a lot of assembly years ahead of him......

Brayden's Stroller....

Here is his car seat....just waiting to be installed in mommies car.

And last but not least Lance was putting together Brayden's ceiling fan....it will put up tonight.

After all this work Lance finally sat done with me on the sofa & relaxed....we watch a movie & then watched VH1 for a few hours; they were playing all of Michael Jackson's videos & it was fun to reminisce about where Lance & I were in our lives when each video/song came out. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend & as always Lance & I thank God for all the blessings that he has bestowed upon us.

I have my 36 week doctor's appointment today so I will have my strep B test done as well as an internal to see if there has been in progression. I can't wait to see if there is anything going on yet!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baby Shower Yesterday...

I am so blessed to have such wonderful family & friends! Yesterday Lance & I had our 2nd shower & it was given by my employer/friends Jay & Darlene! Not only did they throw us the shower but their present to Lance & I is that they are going to clean out the room beside my office & make it into a nursery for Brayden so that I can bring him to work every day & not have to do daycare.....how amazing are they?? Lance & I didn't want to put Brayden in daycare until he was a year old so I had asked Jay about working from home but this is just as good if not better.....Lance & I are truly blessed!!

Our Beautiful Cake....."b" is for Brayden, Bulldog, Boy, or Baby....LOVE IT!!

Gotta love Bulldog baby gifts!

Darlene made this arrangement for us herself!

Jay, Me,Lance & Darlene....they are amazing people!

My wonderful hubby & I

Such a proud poppa already!!

Lance loves to see anything with "daddy" on it...it is so cute!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ready for the Weekend....

I am so ready for this weekend....Lance has the whole weekend off (even today) & we have so much to do but it is all in preparation for Brayden's arrival so it will all be done with smiles on our faces....I HOPE! We have our shower tomorrow & PLUS we are getting our maternity photos done & I have been waiting to get these done for ever.......I know that Lance will look awesome in them but I just hope that I don't look to horrible in them, I am not photogenic at all!! I am excited to get started on the weekend "TO DO" list & that is going to make this work day SOOOO LONG!!

Why Does Everything Happen in 3's??

Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett & now Michael Jackson.....it is so crazy!! I hope that they all rest in peace & my thoughts & prayers are with theirs family's!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monogramed Tote Giveaway.....


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Love You Forever

This is a book that I received from Debbie, she is a co-worker of mine & she bought this book for me when I found out I was pregnant. I have been reading to Brayden every night for a while now & this was my book of choice tonight; I read it when she got it for me but for some reason when I read it to Brayden I completely lost it. I am so excited & ready to meet our little boy & while I was reading it to him I just became overwhelmed with emotions......with love, fear, joy; you name it I fell i right now & it is an amazing fulfilling feeling. I would recommend this book to anyone having a little one but if you are having a baby boy it will really hit home for you!!

We'll love you forever Brayden Lance Goodson!!

Dinner Tonight....

I m trying to find some new, exciting & easy recipes to cook; I have kind of lost my appetite these days but want to make sure that Lance still gets to have yummy dinners. I will have to let you know how it turns out & I am just hoping that mine looks as good as the picture of it does.

Prep Time: 5 min Total Time: 30 min Makes: 2 servings

What You Need!
2 boneless butterflied pork chops (1/2 lb.)
2 Tbsp. Italian Seasoned Breadcrumbs
1 large plum tomato, chopped
1/4 cup Sun-Dried Tomato Dressing
1/2 cup Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese

Make It!
HEAT oven to 425ºF
Coat chops with coating mix as directed on package
Place on baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray

BAKE 20 min. or until chops are done (160ºF)
Meanwhile, combine tomatoes and dressing

TOP chops with tomato mixture and cheese
Bake 5 min. or until cheese is melted.

Serve with a crisp green salad and hot cooked spaghetti tossed with olive oil and Grated Parmesan Cheese.

Nutrition Information
Calories 320 Total fat 15 g Saturated fat 5 g Cholesterol 75 mg Sodium 920 mg Carbohydrate 15 g Dietary fiber 1 g Sugars 5 g Protein 30 g Vitamin A 10 %DV Vitamin C 8 %DV Calcium 25 %DV Iron 8 %DV

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

35/35....Holy Cow!!

I can't believe that there are only 35 days left until my due date....I just can't believe how fast time has flown by!! I had my 35 week doctors appointment yesterday (I have been going to the doctor every week since the contraction issues) & everything is looking good. I left them know that I am still having contractions & my mid wife said that they are not going to do anything to stop them from this point on. I do need to call if they are occurring every 10 minutes for more than 2 hours but other than that she said they they could continue & I could go early or they could completely stop & I will go 40 weeks. She says that there is just no way of knowing what exactly what will happen BUT we will know more next Monday when I get an internal exam & also my Group B Streptococcus test done. She did say that Brayden is about 5 lbs., is measuring 34, & is VERY low in my pelvis. Lance & I have decided to get prepared for everything that we can by the end of this weekend just in case Brayden wants to meet us a bit early; so last night I pulled down our suitcase & printed off my hospital check list, we watched class #3 on our labor video, we are getting the carpets & sofa cleaned this Friday, the pups are heading to the groomers for a deep cleaning, Lance is going to finish the painting what needs to be done on the patio & the list goes on & on but thankfully Lance has his 3 day weekend this weekend so we can get a bunch done as a team!!

Baby Brayden if you can hear mommy, please stay as long as you need to in my belly to be healthy. Daddy, Georgia, Bella & I all really want to meet you but please make sure that you come when you are healthy & safe.....
All my love, Mommy

Baby Brayden This Week.....
Your baby weighs nearly 5 pounds and will continue to gain about half a pound per week until you deliver. He stretches out to 18.5 inches and stem cells in the bone marrow continue to produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to maintain a healthy immune system, but there is not really any development remaining for arms, legs, brain or organs. Brayden will simply continue to add that adorable baby fat as it readies for its big debut. Now that you are able to see baby's movements, you may enjoy doing just that when baby moves from side to side. You can tell which side baby is by comparing both sides of your belly. At some point toward now, your baby may turn into the final birthing position, usually head down. Less than 5% of babies are 'breech' that is with their legs or bottoms down. Doctors advise C-section for such cases as the safest way to deliver the baby and avoid fetal distress. Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs as of yesterday
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? none yet but I feel like I am stretching more now than ever before
Sleep: same as usual; sleeping about a good 2 hours & then I toss & turn
Best moment this week: celebrating Lance's first Father's Day, YES HE IS A DAD ALREADY!!
Movement: He moves all day & night....I am not complaining at all; I love every moment of it!!
Food cravings: actually my appetite is slowing down quite a bit
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: I have contractions daily
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat but pops out by the end of the day
What I miss: being able to get off the sofa or bed with out struggling
What I am looking forward to: we have our 2nd shower this Saturday & we are also having a good friend take some maternity photos before the party...CAN"T WAIT!!
Weekly Wisdom: take it one day at a time & cherish every moment you have with your LO right now. As selfish as this sounds, Brayden is all mine right now & I like it!!
Milestones: 35 Weeks.....that to me is a huge milestone

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Sister's New Puppy

This is Luke...he is a chocolate Lab & he is only 7 weeks old in this picture! He is going to be a HUGE dog!!!

Weekend Review....

Friday night I stopped after work to get my nails & toes done & it was WONDERFUL!! I love to have someone rub my feet & pamper me. The ladies at my nail place are always so sweet & tell me how good I am looking however this time while she was rubbing my feet she commented on how swollen they were.....I know that they are swollen & but I can't really control that so just rub my chubby feet & hush up about it!! I got home, feed the pups & then did some stuff around the house & finally sat down around 8 & then Lance got home about 8:30 & we talked for a but & then I was asleep.

Saturday I woke up in a wonderfully crappy mood for some reason & took it all out on Lance. Nothing he said was going to change my mood & I had so much to do that I just wanted him to stop trying to make me feel better....I realized that I was not being a good & loving wife so I called him and told him I was sorry & just couldn't shake my crappy mood & he was so sweet & loving & told me that it was alright & that he loved me no matter how bitchy I was to him; he said that he knew I didn't mean it & that I was probably just tired & needed to rest so with all of his sweetness I started to cry because I had been so mean to him.....I was a mess that morning. I had to get in the shower & get moving though because I was heading to a 1 year old birthday party!! On the way there I managed to get in a better mood (since it was in Canton, GA which is about an hour away & I had nothing but time to clear my head) & I had such a good time!! Peyton is such a sweet & adorable little girl.....& being at her birthday party made me even more excited about Brayden's arrival!! Here are some of the pictures that I took.....

After the party I headed home & wanted for Lance to get home since we were going to go run some errands & go to dinner that night.....we ran to Rooms to Go Outlet to look for a new ottoman for the living room since the dogs had destroyed the one we had & plus the one we had was way to big & with all the baby stuff about to be put in the living room we just needed something smaller.....RTG had nothing so we heading back towards the house & stopped at Best Buy because Lance wanted to get a Garmin for my car. He was very nervous with me driving so far earlier that day & not really knowing where I was going or at for that fact. We stopped & had dinner at Kani House (our favorite Japanese hibachi restaurant) & then headed home. Lance watch the Ultimate Fighter finale & I played with the Garmin & our video camera that we got a few weeks back & dozed off on the sofa as usual!

I got up on Sunday really early as usual....4:30 in the AM....and got myself settled into the sofa, read & watched TV to pass time until I could make Lance his Father's Day breakfast in bed. He woke up & read his cards; he got one from me, one from the pups & one from Brayden
& then for breakfast I made him bacon, egg & cheese biscuits with fresh fruit & ice cold chocolate milk & then we got up & started to get ready to go up to the lake. We got the car packed up & headed to the store for a few things before we headed up to the boat (this was around 9 & it was already very hot & humid); as we were walking back to the car Lance made the decision that it was way too hot for Brayden & I to be out in the heat so we were NOT going to be going to the lake. I was alright with the decision he made since with the heat index it was going to be 102 & that is pretty hot.....so needless to say we headed back home changed clothes & laid around for a while & then got up & went to lunch & to the movies.....we saw "The Hangover" & it was hilarious, I haven't laughed at a movie like that in quite a while. We ate...or should I say I ate, popcorn with lots of butter & peanut M&M's while we watched the movie BUT I did have a bottled water to drink so no sugar or caffeine there!!! We left the mall & headed to TJ Maxx Home Goods store...MY FAVORITE STORE, to see if they had any ottomans & they did. We found our new living room ottoman there & it looks & matches our colors perfectly!!

When we got home we started to watch our baby video. We purchased "Laugh & Learn About Childbirth"; it is a childbirth class on video.....I know that it is not the same thing as being in an actual class but with Lance's work schedule we couldn't get to one so we found this video so that we at least know the basics. We watched 2 of the 4 classes on the 1st DVD & they were actually very informative & Lance & I both learned a lot. We have 6 more classes to watch & each one is about 40 minutes long so I think the plan is to do one a night!! It is so cute to watch Lance's face when the lady on the video is talking about some of the stuff that I haven't really talked to him about yet.....like "vaginal discharge", that sparked his curiosity & he just had to ask me if I had, had that happening yet......the conversation was hilarious & we really enjoyed watching the classes. Can't wait until tonight's video, I believe it is the LABOR class & should really start to get into what we can expect with a natural vaginal birth....we'll see how Lance handles it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

WOO HOO it is FRIDAY!!!!

I am so happy that today is Friday; each work week seems to be getting longer & longer & I get more & more unfocused. I can only seem to focus when it comes to stuff at the house or about the baby.....I love it but I have so much that I need to be doing here at work to get ready for maternity leave. I have been informed that the bosses wife is going to be filling in for me while I am out & I am NOT thrilled about this at all. I love her & she is a very sweet woman (they are throwing Lance & I a shower next weekend) BUT sweet doesn't mean that she will do a good job doing my job. I just know that I am going to come back to a complete disaster......I guess that is if I come back at all. I have to talk to our owner about working from home after Brayden's arrival. I have done all the research on u shaving a daycare here at work but there are just not enough people with young kids for it to be worth the upstart cost. I dread this conversation & feel like I need to have it with the owner as soon as possible but should I do it before or after the shower they are throwing us??

I am going to a little girls 1st birthday party tomorrow & I am so excited about it. It seems like yesterday her Nana (I work with & love this woman to death) was telling us that her daughter was pregnant.......I am also excited because I get to go shopping & I always love to do that; the only thing is what does a 1 year old little girl want for her birthday??

Sunday I hope that we will get to head up to the lake for the day; we don't have to many more weekend that we will be able to enjoy the boat & I want to make the most of the ones we do have left. Only 39 days until my due date & my excitement, fear & emotions are one complete overload for sure!!

Travis' Birthday....

Today is our nephew's birthday & I can't believe how big he is getting. I remember when I first met him he was only 3 & wouldn't even talk, look or hug me EVER & now every time I see him he gives me the biggest & best hugs ever. Happy Birthday Travie....Uncle Lance & I love you very much!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What A Day.....

For some reason I can not seem to hold on to anything that I have in my hands today. I have dropped just about everything that I have tried to grab & it is really starting to piss me off. So, then for some reason my pissed off mood has turned into a sad mood & now I am on the verge of tears & don't even know why. I sent Lance a text about an hour ago telling him "my day officially sucks & he is the only one that can make it better" & I get nothing back......I KNOW he is at work & that he is probably busy but I need him to try to help me snap out of this mood I am in. I don't want to start crying right here in the office but I have a feeling I am not going to be able to hold it back much longer. I hate feeling like this........I have so much that I am happy & excited about so WTF?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

15 Seconds of Fame.....

I received this email today about a photo of me that was submitted to this website.....

Thanks so much for your submission! We have updated the gallery to include your photo and you made our front page! We really appreciate your help!


34 Weeks Today.....

WOW, I can't believe that it has been 34 weeks & we only have 6 left. We are getting so excited & just can't wait to met our little bundle of joy. Lance & I are both nesting; he is so cute trying to get everything that he has ever wanted to do in the house & backyard done before Brayden's arrival. His latest project was a book shelf for Brayden's room; he finished it yesterday & it is perfect!!!

Baby Brayden this week.......
A bouncing bundle of joy at 5 pounds and nearly 20 inches, Brayden’s organs are almost fully matured with the exception of the lungs, which will continue to develop almost until birth. Though you can't see your baby, his skin is turning from red to pink. While her fingernails are fully formed, the toenails still need more time to grow. Some babies will even have a full head of hair by this point. You're probably starting to give serious thought to ideas like breastfeeding, labor and delivery. Now is a good time to begin discussing all your options with your health care provider. Meanwhile, baby is snoozing a lot, letting you run the show for a little while longer. If you have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions already, they may become more frequent now (or you may start to experience them for the first time). These can be intense, but are much shorter in duration than the contractions you'll experience during real labor. Because your pelvis is rapidly expanding, it may begin to ache; your lower back is also feeling the strain of your growing baby. Getting off your feet as much as possible and lying on your left side will help a lot. He is running out of room in there and you may now be able to tell whether it is a hand or an elbow pushing against your belly. The protective vernix coating on your baby's skin is becoming thicker, but the lanugo hair is almost gone. Your baby may begin to get into position for delivery (hopefully head down).

My Body This Week.....
You're probably starting to give serious thought to ideas like breastfeeding, labor and delivery. Now is a good time to begin discussing all your options with your health care provider. Meanwhile, baby is snoozing a lot, letting you run the show for a little while longer. If you have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions already, they may become more frequent now (or you may start to experience them for the first time). These can be intense, but are much shorter in duration than the contractions you'll experience during real labor. Because your pelvis is rapidly expanding, it may begin to ache; your lower back is also feeling the strain of your growing baby. Getting off your feet as much as possible and lying on your left side will help a lot.

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 29 lbs.
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: I still have no idea what this word means....
Best moment this week: Lance finishing Brayden's book shelf for his room
Movement: he is a very active little boy
Food cravings: not just one specific thing....just everything
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: yep....too many for only being 34 weeks
Belly Button in or out? it just looks weird...it is half in & half out unless I am really full or he is pushing then it sticks out almost all the way
What I miss: being able to get off the sofa & out of bed with needing help or flopping like a fish
What I am looking forward to: anything & everything having to do with our little one
Weekly Wisdom: cherish every single moment of the miracle growing inside your belly; we are all truly blessed by God.
Milestones: I am able to see & feel his little feet when he kicks me, I can actually feel the outline of his feet & legs sometimes & it is unbelievable.

Doctor Appt. Update...

Lance & I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon at 4:30 to check everything because of the contractions that I was having on Friday & everything is still good. I have not progressed at all & Brayden is a happy little camper in there....WOO HOO!! I got hooked up to the monitors again & Lance got to hear his baby boys heart rate & see just how much Brayden doesn't like things to be on my belly. When they hooked me up Brayden started kicking the monitors; he got himself so worked up in there that he got the hiccups. Lance came over & started to rub my belly & talk to Brayden to try to calm him down & it just brought tears to my eyes; Brayden did calm down at the sound of his daddy's voice, it was amazing. Lance is going to be a wonderful father & although Brayden needs to stay in my belly a while longer we just can't wait to meet him........Brayden is a blessing & we thank god every second of everyday for Brayden!!

We talked to the doctor about why this is happening & what we can do to not have it happen any more, we also told the doctor about the medicine making me really sick & me not taking it past Saturday & she said that, that was just fine & it does make some women really sick but not to worry about taking it anymore. She really didn't seem to concerned if it happened again & she said that she could prescribe something else but would rather me keep my body as drug free as possible (which I really appreciated because I have tried very hard to not take anything through my whole pregnancy); she said that Brayden is fine & if he was born right now that he would be perfectly fine. His lungs do need to develop more yes that is true but since I am not dilating at all she thinks that they will be fully developed by the time he arrives. She was choosing her words very well but she seemed to be saying that he will come early.....only time will tell I guess. Lance & I feel good about the appointment & we know that he will come when he is ready BUT he needs to wait a bit longer. Patience is not one of Lance or I's strong suites so Brayden comes by this naturally but for now we are not going to worry & I am just going to take it easy & try to rest as much as possible; that is not easy for me but I am going to try!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Poor FurBaby & Wallet....

I had noticed some scabs on the back of our bulldog Georgia's neck last week so I thought that she & our boxer just got into it some how with out me knowing or she scraped it while trying to get her big butt under the bed (she likes to hide there when I am on the computer) so I just put some medicine on them each day & they weren't getting any better...more were actually appearing so I told Lance & of course we knew that she needed to take a trip to the vet. I was going to take her to the vet on Saturday but after the Friday I had it was not going to be possible. Lance is off today so he took her this morning & our poor baby has a bacteria infection in her ears that she spread to her neck by scratching it NASTY I know!! Because she was due for her annual shots, both pups needed heart worm medication & she had to have a bunch of tests done to figure out her neck & ear condition the bill was $450.....THAT IS RIGHT I typed FOUR HUNDRED & FIFTY DOLLARS!!

We love both our pups very much & they are so worth the money, but HOT DAMN!

Weekend Review.....

So Friday started off as a normal day until....I started noticing that I was having quite a few contractions. I got on contractionmaster.com & started to track them & I had 8 in that hour so I called the doctor & had to go in & get checked. They hooked me up to the monitor & of course Baby Brayden didn't like that at all & kicked the monitor for the first 5 minutes but I guess he realized that they weren't going to move it so he stopped!! His heart rate & movements were awesome so no worries about him at all & according to the contraction monitor I wasn't having any either but I kept telling the nurse that I could feel them so how was that possible & she said we will just keep watching. Well about an hour later I had to pee so I got up & went & when I got back & got hooked up again they they were.....the damn nurse didn't have the stupid monitor on my stomach right so it wasn't tracking them so needless to say I just wasted an hour sitting there!! Anyway, the doctor came in & saw the contractions & decided to give me the shot of turbutiline again to stop them & then continue monitoring me; she also checked my cervix & I was not dilated but there was blood so she says that the contractions were working towards getting my cervix ready to start dilating. After the shot & about another hour of monitoring I got a prescription for the turbutiline & got to go home....thank god!! I was at the doctor's office for about 3 hours & I couldn't get cell service so Lance was freaking out for a while until I noticed there was a phone in the room & called him. He was working & as much as I wanted him there I told him not to worry & just to work & I would call him with any updates.

Once I picked up my pills I got in the car & headed home....& of course had to sit in traffic because of the time of day it was & that would have been fine but the turbutiline shot makes me feel really shaky & crappy so I wasn't in the mood to be sitting in the car at all! I got home, changed clothes, called Lance & laid down on the sofa only to not be able to sleep because my heart was still racing from that damn shot. I know that the medicine helps stop the contractions but holy hell does it do a number on me. I laid there for a while & then decided to eat something & then lay back down......I think that I dozed off for a while but woke up to Lance calling to check on me, he was on his way home & I couldn't wait to see him!! Then I remembered that I needed to take my medicine (I have to take it every 4-6 hours) & although I dreaded it I took it & again with the racing heart & shakiness. Lance got home, sat & held me for what seemed like forever & it was so nice & just made me fell so much better; he could feel me shaking though & just looked at me with this hurt in his eyes because there was nothing he could do to help me. He went outside & checked on the work that was done on the patio to complete it & finally smiled when he walked out there. That damn patio has been bothering him since we had it put up over 2 months ago; it was completed the way that he imagined so FINALLY it was done perfectly & now he just has to paint it put the furniture back out there & we can sit out there...relax & enjoy it!!

Friday night I couldn't sleep because of the turbutiline & also because when I finally would fall asleep I would have the worst nightmares ever so I laid on the sofa & watched TV falling asleep for an hour here & there but not really getting any good sleep at all. So needless to say Saturday I was down & out for most of the day; I ran to the store so that we would have food to eat but that was about it for most of the day. I finally decided to not take the pill I was supposed to take at 3 & finally fell asleep for a good 3 hours & felt so much better when I woke up. I woke up cleaned a bit, took a shower & felt like a new person after getting dressed. I just sat on the sofa & waited to Lance to get home & once he did went got out of the house for a bit & went to Longhorn for dinner. I told him that I couldn't handle that medicine & that I would talk to the doctor about the fact that I was not going to take it at our appt. on Monday.......he said that if I started to have a bunch of contractions then I could take it then!! I feel like a bad mother for not taking it but the doctor said that it could have this effect on me & if it did then not taking it would be alright & we would just see how I was doing on Monday afternoon so that it what I decided to do.

At dinner Lance & I started to talk about Brayden & the fact that he seems like he is ready to meet us before his due date & he then began to tell me how scared & unprepared he feels to be a father. He is so afraid that he is not going to be a good dad since he hasn't been a "good" husband to me lately & I was shocked. I told him that just because his choices & actions in the past few weeks hadn't been the best for our family didn't make him a bad husband; he is a great & wonderful man & I wouldn't have married him if I thought otherwise!! We finished our dinner went home & I fell asleep about 30 minutes after me butt hit the sofa.

Yesterday we decided to go up to the lake as planned with Lance's brother & his 2 kids; the kids had been so excited about going up there & I didn't want to disappoint them. The lake was a lot of fun & it is so awesome to see them have such a good time....plus it made me think of little Brayden playing in the water in a few years!! We didn't stay up there long at all; I couldn't handle the heat for too long so we were home & I was on the sofa & sleeping again that afternoon about 3:30. I woke up only because Lance kissed my head to tell me he was going to run to blockbuster & the grocery store to get us dinner. He got home made dinner & I was out again about 8. He woke me up at 10 to get into bed & I had a headache & for some reason I still have it....what a weekend, I feel like I didn't get to rest at all & that is really all I did.

I have my doctor's appointment today at 4:30 & am so happy that Lance gets to go with me & voice his concerns to the doctor as well. I know that 34 weeks (I will be tomorrow) is to early for Brayden to come but why are they not concerned with him possibly coming early at all. I know that I have not dilated at all but since I have contractions constantly shouldn't they consider the fact that maybe Brayden is going to make early appearance & start giving me steroids for his lungs just in case? They have not said anything about bed rest or changing anything I am doing but they don't know why I am having contractions like this either..........we have a whole list of questions to ask the doctors today & hopefully when I get checked I have not progressed at all & everything will be fine with both Brayden & I.

Sorry for rambling on but I have the worst headache & feel really yucky so can't really put the words together any better than this! Keep your fingers crossed & say a prayer for Brayden, Lance & I.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back Pain Has Begun....

It started yesterday & I know that I really shouldn't complain since I really have had an awesome pregnancy but couldn't it have stayed that way? Why spoil me with no "side effects" if all of a sudden you are going to hit me with a mac truck. Yesterday my lower back started to feel sore & ache while I was at work but then when I got home seemed to get a bit better until I tried to sit down on the sofa & relax at about 8......I guess I dozed off because Lance woke me up at 11 to go to bed (I don't even know what time he got home from work) & when I tried to get up off the sofa my back pain was HORRIFIC to say the least & it has not let up all day.....WHY did this have to start?? Why couldn't I just continue to have my wonderfully pain free pregnancy??

Angel Lush Dessert Recipe

I thought that I would post the recipe for the wonderfully delicious dessert I made this past weekend. It is such a yummy summer dessert; it's light, refreshing, & not to mention the fact that it can be made fat & sugar free & STILL taste amazing!!

Prep Time: 15 min
Makes: 10 to 12 servings

What You Need!
1 can (20 oz.) DOLE Crushed Pineapple in Juice, undrained
1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1 cup thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
1 pkg. (10 oz.) round angel food cake or 2 pkg. dessert shells (12 shells)
2 cups mixed fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries and raspberries)

Make It!

MIX pineapple and dry pudding mix. Stir in COOL WHIP.

PARFAITS: Cube cake. Layer in 12 parfait glasses alternately with filling and berries. Makes 12 servings.

CAKE: Cut cake into 3 layers. Stack on plate, spreading filling between layers and on top of cake. Top with berries. Makes 10 servings.

INDIVIDUALS: Spoon filling into dessert shells; top with berries. Makes 12 servings.

Variation Prepare
using 1 pkg. (1 oz.) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Fat Free Sugar Free Instant Pudding and COOL WHIP LITE Whipped Topping.

Lemon-Berry Lush with PineapplePrepare using JELL-O Lemon Flavor Instant Pudding.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weekend Review

So this is being posted a bit late & I am not sure if it is because I am just that tired from not sleeping or if it because I really just wish this past weekend could have just been skipped. This was the weekend of our friends bachelor party & needless to say (as posted in previous blogs) I was not thrilled about it at all. Needless to say the weekend came & went & was horrible all together.

Friday night was hard because I just because I was already having anxiety about Saturday, Lance & I were fighting about the party already & he slept in the bedroom & I slept on the sofa.....I was crying & couldn't sleep so I just stayed up watching TV until I dozed off sometime in the early morning & then woke up from what I think was a sound sleep to a contraction at about 4:30. They have been coming & going for a while now but I am still not having more than 5 an hour so as the doctors say....."There is no need to call them or come in". So anyway I zoned back into the TV & there is NOTHING on that early in the morning on Saturdays. I woke Lance up so that he could get ready for work & I just couldn't look at him with out getting upset so I just didn't talk to him at all & then left for my normal Saturday errands. He sent me a sweet text telling me that nothing was going to happen at the party that night & also thanking me for helping get everything together food wise for him that day. Yeah, yeah I don't know why I helped get the food & stuff for a damn party that I didn't approve of but I can't help the fact that I love Lance & will always help him out when he needs it. So anyway, we go back & forth all day about the stupid thing & we talked on the phone....text each other & finally I just said "it is what it is & you are going so lets just drop it", I really couldn't handle the tension & stress of fighting anymore & thought that if we stopped talking about it I would stop thinking & crying over it....that didn't work though.

Lance got home from work early (about 3) & started to make sure that he had everything packed in his bag & ready to go so that when the guys arrived to get him he was ready. He sat me down on the sofa & told me there was nothing to worry about & to please trust that....but I just had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach about the whole thing but so then he said that he would call & text me all night & if I needed him to just call & he would be there so; I tried to be OK when everyone got there but it was all fake & right when they pulled out of the drive way I lost it yet again. The night went as I expected & he called only twice & didn't answer any of my texts so needless to say I didn't sleep a wink Saturday night either.

He called me Sunday morning at about 8 & said that he would be home soon so that we could talk & spend the day together....that statement made me nervous...what did we have to talk about & why was he not staying up there for the day like planned?? My mind went crazy with thoughts. I reminded him that I had to go to Carrie's Bridal shower at 1 so not to bother to come home; I told him that I didn't really want to see him nor spend the day with him since he couldn't keep his promises about calling & answering my texts. I also asked him if he watched the "stripper show" & when he said he did I really lost it & told him that staying away from me for the day was probably best since he apparently couldn't keep that promise either & that was my biggest issue with this whole party. I mean, I didn't like the fact of him being on a boat, at an overnight trip any way with the contraction issues that I have been having but throw alcohol & hookers into the mix & that is just over the top for me at this point in the pregnancy & in our lives. I am usually a pretty understanding wife but "HELL NO" to this whole damn situation!!

So I had to make a desert & appetizer for the shower..it was a put meat on her future hubby's bones themed party so we were all making dishes & bringing the recipes to the shower & I had to do that before I could even think about getting into the shower & getting ready & I was so upset my hands were shaking like crazy the whole time I was making everything. I finished everything & put it in the fridge & then got in the shower & right when I was about to get out I saw him walk into the bathroom & I got so mad again I just started to cry & shake all over again. I didn't say a word to him & just got ready to go. I got ready & still had about 30 minutes before I had to leave so we ended up talking & he tried to say sorry & I said that wasn't going to work or make things all better & just pointed out that he never should have gone to the damn party knowing how upset it made me & you know what, he said I was right......then I just lost it. Why did he have to go to the damn thing to realize that I was right all along about him not going?? Why does he do stuff & then realize "you know what that probably wasn't the best choice for me to make"?? WTF??? I had to leave & go try to be social at Carrie's Bridal Shower & I did a damn good job until one of the girls (whose husband was also at the bachelor party) said...."well I guess that some people had a better time than others last night on the boat"....stop the presses what does that mean?? I looked at the bride to be with a stunned look on my face & said someone needed to ask her what she meant by that statement; I didn't know her so didn't feel right being the one to ask. So Carrie said what do you mean & she said the her husband got home about 7 & told her some stories but that she shouldn't repeat them because she didn't want to get anyone in trouble.........then why the hell she she say anything at all? I couldn't get out of there fast enough. We still had to do games & presents but after all was said I done I was out & had to get home & find out what really went on. I walked in mad as hell & he was sleeping & all I could get out was "what the fuck happened at this damn thing that I need to know about?" & then broke down in tears. He tried to come hug me but I wanted no part in that I just wanted to know what happened......so he proceeds to tell me that the hookers did their show & then one of the guys asked them to come back after their 2nd show was done later that night & 1 of the girls actually did come back & hung out with them for the rest of the night.....ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This is what I told him would happen....he says that he didn't hang out with her & that he and 3 other guys just grabbed some beer & went to our boat (which should not have been there anyway) to hang out so that they could not be involved in that debacle. That is all well & good but why did someone not ask her nasty ass to leave...it was a bachelor party & there are not supposed to be any women there; let alone a woman that takes her clothes off for money & does lord knows what else for more money! At this point I was livid, heartbroken, confused & so many other emotions that I just had to go in the bedroom away from him & take a few deep breaths because I had a really strong contraction going on at this point.....I stayed in the bedroom & he came after me to make sure I was alright & of course I wasn't but we talked & talked & talked about what happened at the party & how it made me feel & how Lance needed to start making decisions that are less selfish. We are working through everything of course but I can't help but be so very hurt & angry by the whole situation.

Am I crazy to be upset by this whole situation?? I am 33 weeks pregnant having issues with contractions, he knew I didn't think him going was a good idea, nor did I approve of the stripper part of it, & then he didn't call or text me like promised too so of course my pregnant brain thought of so many things that were happening the whole night. It was not the right decision for him to make & he admitted that only after the fact.......AM I NUTS, why didn't he realize this before & just not go??

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

33 Weeks....Only 7 More To Go!!

About me this week:Pregnancy is one of the greatest changes a woman undergoes in life, and changes main companion is stress. Apart from physical stress like fatigue, nausea, change in body size and shape, you will feel anxiety about the whole pregnancy act, your finances and your baby. Prolonged stress is detrimental, so find ways to relax.

About Brayden this week:
Your baby now weighs about 4.5lb and total length is about 19in long. Crown to rump length is about 30 cm. Although Brayden’s final eye color will not be obvious for some after birth, around this time the iris color starts to appear. Most fair babies are born with blue eyes and darker toned babies with brown eyes but this may change. Pupils start to dilate, and the post birth pattern of sleeping with eyes closed and having them open at other times is established. You are probably both very aware that it is getting more and more cramped in there. Your baby's adrenal glands have developed and are producing hormones that stimulate your breasts to lactate. Are you thinking about food more in this home stretch? Seafood can boost the development of your baby's brain, which will develop most during the ninth month. His knees will curl up towards his tiny chest as he begins to assume the classic "fetal" position. Because there is a little less room to move around in, Brayden is a bit quieter now, storing up energy and getting ready for his grand entrance.

How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I have gained 26 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? none that I have seen yet but I really can't see the under belly so I guess I will find out once he has arrived.
Sleep: not getting any
Best moment this week: just feeling him moving in there is the best thing every week....it is amazing to me every time I feel it.
Movement: he is a very active little boy
Food cravings: it seems that I don't really have cravings anymore I just want to eat all the time!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: yes, keeping a close eye on the contractions that have been having!
Belly Button in or out? still half in & half out
What I miss: my energy
What I am looking forward to: the weekend, I am just tired
Weekly Wisdom: I have no wisdom this week....I have pregnancy brain!!
Milestones: scheduling our hospital tour....I hope that he doesn't come early because we can't get there until July 2nd!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

32 Week Appt. Today

So I had my 32 week appointment today & all is looking good; they are a bit concerned about my contractions but not to concerned unless I have more than 5 an hour so I have to make sure that I keep a good count & eye on them. I have to make sure that I am taking it easy & drinking plenty of fluids as well. I am nervous at the thought that our little one could arrive early especially this early, he is too little still so Brayden if you can hear your mommy.....PLEASE try to relax & wait at least 5 more weeks for your big arrival PLEASE don't be impatient like your mom is & wait. We love you baby boy!!

I Just Have To Post This Picture Too....

This is our Bulldog....when we can't find her & she doesn't come when called this is what she is doing in Brayden's room right near his crib!! She is going to be such a good big sister.

Brayden's Georgia Bulldog Nursery...So Far!!

We still have a bunch of stuff to do like put up his ceiling fan, get his bumper for his crib (we are waiting to see what we get at our couple's shower on the 27th), get his comforter measured so that they can sew it to fit the crib correctly. Lance is working on Brayden's book shelf (painting & adding his monogram), and the list goes on & on & on but I finally feel like we are at least getting there. Last night Lance put up all the shelves & I absolutely love them!! Here are a few pictures....

Lance found this light switch & just had to have it....

Excuse the pile of books hidden behind the glider.....like I said we are making progress but still have things to do!

We don't know if this is what will stay on top of his dresser but we know for sure that lamp will...LOVE IT!!

His crib is going to look so cute once it is completed.

I love his whole room & can't wait for our little lovebug to be born & make it complete.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today Is A New Day....

& I am still exhausted. I was of course exhaustedly tired yesterday while I was here at work but as usual right when I get in the car & start my drive home I start thinking about what I needed to do when I got home & what I could put off for another day & what do I do when I get home.....everything that I had on my mental list because I had so much energy. I just don't get it, it is the craziest thing! Why can I not just sot down & relax?? Why does it seem like I get 5 things done & there are 15 more to do??

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hubby Saves The Day...

I have been selfishly wanting him to say that he would not go to this damn bachelor party because it made me so uneasy & unhappy BUT I knew it was something very unfair of me to expect. But leave it up to my hubby to fix it in his own way! Lance just called me & told me that he had a surprise for me....could it be he is not going to go to the boat on Saturday night at all?? Nope he is still going but he has rented a camp ground near where the house boat is going to be parked so that he can have his truck parked there & also so that he can leave when the "entertainment" gets there to come home & tuck me in & then he will return to the boat after they have done their thing & are long gone!! I love my husband & appreciate the fact that he took my feelings into consideration & solved the issue in such a brilliant way!!

I love you boobala.....you are my world!!

Today Is Not A Good Day.....

& it is only 7am. I am feeling very emotionally overwhelmed & just want to curl up in a ball & cry. Can we just skip the rest of this week & this weekend so that I don't have to deal with Lance going to this stupid bachelor party? I am 32 weeks pregnant & can't deal with the fact that my husband is going to be on a house boat & that there are strippers (hookers if you ask me, if they will come to a house boat for $800 what will they do for just a little more money?) coming to said house boat......I feel fat & unattractive & it has been forever since he & I have been intimate so how I am supposed to be OK with the fact that these to women are going to be naked in front of him for a hour.....RIGHT, cause the emotionally imbalanced pregnant lady can handle this right now. WHY do men feel that tits & ass are appropriate for their "last hurrah"?? What is wrong with your future wife tits & ass....is it that scary to think they are going to be the last ones you see??

Damn it all to hell I just want to sleep through the rest of this whole damn week & weekend.....OH WAIT I don't sleep so that makes everything even better!! This is going to be a great week/weekend; thank goodness I have an appointment on Friday & will get to hear Brayden's heartbeat because that will make me happy for sure!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Am So Sleepy.....

I really could just lay my head down on my desk & fall asleep.....but if I was at home I would be wide awake:). It is so crazy that a person can be this tired & still not be tired enough to get a good nights sleep at night; uncomfortable or not I should be able to sleep more than 2 hours!!

32 Weeks Today....

What is going on with your baby during week 32?

Brayden’s sleeping and waking patterns will be distinct. Nevertheless it will still be hard for you to figure out if Brayden is wide awake or sleeping owing to it being very active during periods of light sleep following the REM. By this week Brayden weighs almost 4lb and measures at 18.9in full length from crown to rump length. Within two months, the big day will arrive, and Brayden is just as excited as you are--something you can probably feel from the increasing activity in your tummy! Brayden is nearly filling up your entire uterus. Most of the time, his head will be facing upward, but there's still enough room to somersault now and then. In his spare time, he is getting ready for his first loving look at Mom & Dad, as he practices opening and closing his eyes. Brayden’s skin is also becoming less wrinkled, as layers of fat continue to plump out the body. He will gain weight more quickly now and will probably double in weight between now and his birth. Just like a newborn, your baby sleeps most of the time. He even experiences rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the period of sleep when we dream! This week marks the peak of your baby's movements; from now until delivery he will have very little room to move around and you will probably notice a marked decrease in kicks, punches, and rolls.

How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 lbs
Maternity clothes? yep....still wearing some non maternity dresses & skirts though
Stretch marks? none yet
Sleep: again, I am not sure what this word "sleep" means.....I will have to google it.
Best moment this week: getting some much needed work done in Brayden's nursery....curtains are hung & his dresser arrives today (I hope)
Movement: he is moving a ton
Food cravings: anything that has sugar in it
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: unfortunately....but we have that under control now!!
Belly Button in or out? half in half out....it just looks weird
What I miss: being intimate with Lance
What I am looking forward to: the arrival of Brayden's dresser today....it has only been about 3 months since it was ordered
Weekly Wisdom: rest & drink plenty of fluids....dehydration is a very bad thing!!
Milestones: It was not a good reason why but being hooked up to the monitors when I was having contractions last Friday & got to hear his little heartbeat for hours....it got me really nervous but excited for our little ones arrival.

Monday, June 1, 2009

31 Week 5 Days Belly Photos

He is growing by the day & I can feel him moving so strongly!! Only 8 more weeks (as of tomorrow) until Brayden Lance Goodson will join the world & we can't wait!!

Goodson Weekend Review....

Well after the scare on Friday I swore to myself that from here on out I would take it easy....so Saturday morning I tried to sleep in & that didn't work but i made myself lay on the sofa until 6:30 when I had to wake up Lance so that he could get ready for work & then I got ready as well & left the house when he did to run to the grocery store, dry cleaner, Walmart (didn't want to go here but the dogs needed food) & then I was home bound for the rest of the day. When I got home I cleaned the house & started the laundry & then decided that because it was nice outside & hadn't been able to in so long I was going to lay out & get some sun on this ohhh so pale body of mine!! I debated in my head whether I would go down to the pool or just lay out in the back yard & I choose our back yard.....I wanted to get some sun on my belly & thought that the sight of me in a 2 piece might scare the young children so back yard it was. It was hot & the whole time I was thinking the damn contractions are going to come back if I stay out too long since it was soooo damn hot so I went in at the hour mark, but I got some color & am happy with it! Then I showered & actually laid down on the sofa & managed to fall asleep & take a nap!! I was actually in shock that I fell asleep & it was nice to rest. I woke up to my phone ringing & Lance's wonderful voice asking if he could take "his beautiful wife" (he must be in need of glasses) to dinner & who am I to turn down dinner that I don't have to cook so I got up & got ready & then waited for him to get home from his long day at work.

Hubby got home changed & we were out the door & I was starving...but we didn't go straight to dinner we actually went & looked for a new sofa & then went to dinner & discussed what we had found that we liked. We ate at Red Lobster & it was so good, especially the dessert that Lance ordered for me while I was in the bathroom. It was a huge warm chocolate chip cookie that had melted chocolate in the middle & then vanilla ice cream on top; I should not have eaten as much of it as I did but I couldn't stop myself!! We left dinner went home & I fell asleep about an hour later.....what ever was in the shot they gave me to stop the contractions on Friday really wiped me out!!

Sunday I woke up at 5 & I guess that my inability to sleep has rubbed off on Lance because he was already up & had his day going. He had been in the garage doing manly things & the sun wasn't even up yet. We got on the computer for a bit & looked at some more sofas & also at the ones we went & looked at on Saturday night again. After that we got dressed & went to the only store that we knew of that was open that early on a Sunday morning.....WALMART! We needed to pick up a few things & miraculously we found curtains for Brayden's room there. We have been looking everywhere for them (we were having the hardest time finding the right Georgia red colored curtains) but what do you know Walmart had them. I am so excited & actually have to go home & iron them tonight so that Lance can get them hung (pictures to come). After we left Walmart we went through the Hardee's drive through & I was so proud of myself...I didn't order anything for me!! I decided that it was too fattening & had too much salt in it so I decided to eat a bowl of cereal w/fresh strawberries instead!! I had been thinking about being dehydrated & was thinking that all the salt that I have been eating probably did not help my dehydration issue so I am cutting salt out as much as I possible can.

Anyway, we got home & Lance did some more stuff in the garage & out back & I just relaxed, sat on the sofa & finally finished "What To Expect While Expecting" & I felt like I had accomplished a great feet & then I looked at the other 3 books that I need to finish before I go into labor & Brayden's arrival; I am getting there slowly though. Lance & I had to get in the shower & get ready for family lunch by this time so we got ready & headed out to go celebrate Caleb, Glenn, & Jeffery's birthday's. We ate Japanese hibachi & again was proud of myself.....I only had 5 bites of the fried rice (I had to have some of it, I couldn't resist) & then left the rest sitting there on my plate & I ordered Salmon which was really good & ate all of mine & Lance's veggies. After lunch we went back to my MIL's house for cake.....& can I say I LOVE CAKE, I know that we were really there to celebrate Caleb's 9th birthday but I was there for the cake just as much I think!!

After cake & presents we headed to the house....but were talking on the way home & ended up stopping at 3 more sofa places just to look at what they had. After the 3rd place I had had it & I was really getting tired so we went home & then made our decision on the sofa purchase. We are NOT going to spend the money on a new sofa set...our sectional sofa is awesome & is only 2.5 years old & not to mention we paid a pretty penny for it so I am going to re stuff the cushions & then we will have it professionally cleaned & it should be as good as new....at least I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is like new since I convinced Lance that would be the best thing for us right now :)