I have been so tired this week; Brayden has not been feeling well so on Monday & Tuesday I slept on the sofa!! Brayden would not sleep anywhere other than my arms or his swing...not to mention the fact that he was spitting up so much that I was nervous about him laying on his back so I gave in & he slept in his swing in the living room both nights. Wednesday night I finally got him to sleep in his crib but about 10 minutes after I laid him down he spit up so bad & so violently that it popped all over his face & even came out of his nose so needless to say he was scared & I was freaked out but I got him back to sleep in his swing & then back in his crib about 9 that night so I actually slept in our bed but was up & down all night checking on him. Yesterday I finally made the doctor see him......they think that all the mucus in his spit up & his congestion is a small cold but mainly a milk allergy so we have switch the little man to Enfamil Soybee formula & hope that this helps him! It seems to have helps since he slept from 6-4:30 this morning.....I wish that I could say that I slept well too but I was still worried & nervous so I was up & down again all night!!
In all of this Lance has been wonderful, I have snapped at him a few times & he has taken it like a champ. I was so tired & frustrated yesterday that nothing he did or said made me feel better & that is all I wanted him to do is make me feel better.......I was not being fair to him & some of the things I said I wish I could take back. I mean I didn't verbally attack him or anything but I did have a razor sharp tongue & was sharp with my answers & comments!! He is such an amazing man, father & husband....he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders sometimes & I love him so much.
This morning I got up as usual & got ready for work & when I opened the bathroom door the light shines on the bed & I just stared at him sleeping for about 5 minutes...he was sleeping so soundly & he was so handsome & peaceful. I hadn't really seen him much this week because by the time he was getting home from work I was already in bed trying to sleep & as tired as I knew he was I still crawled in bed, curled up next to him & started talking to talk to him to see if he would wake up & he did & it was exactly what I needed!! We laid there & talked for about 10 minutes & then little man must have know we were up because he started talking!! I went & got him & brought him into bed with us & Lance fed him........I just watched as my amazing husband held Brayden so tightly & Lance was just in aw of him!! I wish I had a picture to look at because it was a perfect moment in time that I want to remember always......
This is them last Saturday....I went to get my nails done & this is what they were doing when I got back!! Loves it!!!!
How adorable!