Christmas was so much fun this year; unlike last year Brayden was into opening gifts so seeing the excitement on his face was the best part. We hung around the house on Christmas eve while Lance was working & I talked to B a lot about Santa & presents but also the meaning of Christmas. I'm not really sure he understood but I tried.
Brayden was being so sweet to his brother & even give him a kiss; Colton was shocked!!
Than night the boys got to open one gift. In my family my dad always let us open the "out of town" gifts from my Grandparents (his parents) so I am going to keep that tradition with B & C.
They both loved their gifts & played with them until bed! We set out cookies, milk for Santa & carrots for the reindeer in the gingerbread choo-choo that I made. I liked this idea better than just a plate PLUS since it's so cute maybe Santa would be extra nice to the boys..........maybe??
Christmas morning was here; I got up 1st & showered (Christmas photos will be around forever) & made sure that everything was ready for the boys & then waited.........
We separated the presents between upstairs & downstairs so that B wouldn't get too overwhelmed.
Colton was pretty excited & was up at 4:30am...........I guess he was excited!!
He checked everything out & then we waited while & then woke daddy up so that I could get started on packing us up for JuJu's house (there is a lot to pack with 2 kids for a whole day out).
B was up around 6:30am & when he came out he saw his drums & got really excited.
Daddy & Colton watched as he rocked out...........
After a bit we had B look at the tree downstairs to see that there was more & off we went............
He was so excited & looked at everything one by one.
While the boys played Lance got ready & I finished packing up the car & off we went to JuJu & PaPa's house.
We let the boys stay in their Christmas pj's until it as time for everyone to get there; they looked cute & it will be a whole year until I get to torture them again so I wanted to enjoy it.
Brayden & Colton played together.............well Brayden took over Colton's toys & Colton thought he was playing. We have some work to do on sharing!!
I actually remembered to have a picture of the 4 of us taken.........
It was cold & raining but we had a fire anyway; B enjoyed helping PaPa with it all day.
It was finally time for gifts & B was ready & excited.
This is his wooooo face; his cousins got him a monster truck that he LOVES!!
It was a fun filled & very tiring day but the boys had a blast & I can't wait until next year!!!