I missed his 13 month update (I know I suck) but am going to try to do better at Colt's monthly updates since I NEVER missed one of B's.
Colton is a literal mess. He is all over the place & into everything all of the time. He loves to open & close drawers & happens to get his fingers caught in said drawers at least once a day. When he gets hurt he milks it for all it is worth. His fake crying is pretty good for a 14 month old (B taught him everything he knows).
He watches B like a hawk........still...........& is picking up & learning everything bad that B does. He loves his big bro so much & just wants to be like him I guess. They already fight with each other over toys, books, mommy; you know everything & they even smack each other which we are working on stopping ASAP.
I think that Colt is in the process of getting every tooth in his mouth cut but is handling it pretty well. He is grumpy but not as grumpy & fussy as I would expect him to be. He tries so hard to be in such a good mood but with all the drool coming out of his mouth I think sometimes it's hard!!
He loves when I sing to him & really loves when someone reads to him. He will clap his little heart happy when ever he hears "if your happy & you know it". My song with both boys is "you are my sunshine" & when I sing it both boys will come sit right next to me & cuddle in...........my heart melts every time!!
Colt has a size 4 foot already & is in 18 month clothing & is just a big boy. Lance says he's going to be our linebacker & B our quarterback (a father's football fantasy I guess!!). He goes in for his 15 month check up next month so we'll see what his weigh is then but I think he's around 26 pounds; whatever he is, he is HEAVY!! He was sleeping in until around 7-7:30 before the teeth issues began so now it's restless nights & early mornings.
The boy eats just about anything & wants to eat anytime someone walks into the kitchen; it is crazy but he will bang on the fridge & pantry doors if you walk in there & don't give him something! He is the child who is going to eat us out of house & home!! He is talking up a storm too. He says nana (banana), dada, no-no, down, yes, ju (juice), has only said momma clearly once but it was so sweet sounding, ma (more), papa (once), ba-ba (bye-bye), hi (he waves too) & there are more but I can't remember what right now (I need to write them down & keep better track). He sleeps with his Mickey Mouse & blankie & likes to carry them around just like his big bro.
He loves to be outside & LOVES to play in the water. His little cheeks turn so red but he just runs around like a little terror. He is so funny to watch because he thinks he can run really fast & he just giggles & laughs while he plays. He (& his brother) are absolute perfection; don't get me wrong my kids do not act perfect (by any means). They fight, throw fits, cry, yell, scream, hit, make messes, get into EVERYTHING all the time.........you name it & they do it BUT they are my kids & even though they do wrong they are PERFECT!! They have so much love to give & share & their cuddles are AMAZING!! They are going up faster than I would like but it is fun to watch them do it!!
Ask me how you can get results like these!!