Showing posts with label teething. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teething. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2012

14 Months Old

I missed his 13 month update (I know I suck) but am going to try to do better at Colt's monthly updates since I NEVER missed one of B's.  

Colton is a literal mess.  He is all over the place & into everything all of the time.  He loves to open & close drawers & happens to get his fingers caught in said drawers at least once a day.  When he gets hurt he milks it for all it is worth.  His fake crying is pretty good for a 14 month old (B taught him everything he knows).

He watches B like a hawk........still...........& is picking up & learning everything bad that B does.  He loves his big bro so much & just wants to be like him I guess.  They already fight with each other over toys, books, mommy; you know everything & they even smack each other which we are working on stopping ASAP. 

I think that Colt is in the process of getting every tooth in his mouth cut but is handling it pretty well.  He is grumpy but not as grumpy & fussy as I would expect him to be.  He tries so hard to be in such a good mood but with all the drool coming out of his mouth I think sometimes it's hard!!  

He loves when I sing to him & really loves when someone reads to him.  He will clap his little heart happy when ever he hears "if your happy & you know it".  My song with both boys is "you are my sunshine" & when I sing it both boys will come sit right next to me & cuddle heart melts every time!!

Colt has a size 4 foot already & is in 18 month clothing & is just a big boy.  Lance says he's going to be our linebacker & B our quarterback (a father's football fantasy I guess!!).  He goes in for his 15 month check up next month so we'll see what his weigh is then but I think he's around 26 pounds; whatever he is, he is HEAVY!!  He was sleeping in until around 7-7:30 before the teeth issues began so now it's restless nights & early mornings. 

The boy eats just about anything & wants to eat anytime someone walks into the kitchen; it is crazy but he will bang on the fridge & pantry doors if you walk in there & don't give him something!  He is the child who is going to eat us out of house & home!!  He is talking up a storm too.  He says nana (banana), dada, no-no, down, yes, ju (juice), has only said momma clearly once but it was so sweet sounding, ma (more), papa (once), ba-ba (bye-bye), hi (he waves too) & there are more but I can't remember what right now (I need to write them down & keep better track).   He sleeps with his Mickey Mouse & blankie & likes to carry them around just like his big bro.

He loves to be outside & LOVES to play in the water.  His little cheeks turn so red but he just runs around like a little terror.  He is so funny to watch because he thinks he can run really fast & he just giggles & laughs while he plays.  He (& his brother) are absolute perfection; don't get me wrong my kids do not act perfect (by any means).  They fight, throw fits, cry, yell, scream, hit, make messes, get into EVERYTHING all the name it & they do it BUT they are my kids & even though they do wrong they are PERFECT!!  They have so much love to give & share & their cuddles are AMAZING!!  They are going up faster than I would like but it is fun to watch them do it!!

Ask me how you can get results like these!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Sign of Things To Come??

We did the 1st half of our maternity photos this past Sunday & we were hoping that B would be in a good mood & on top of that cooperate with having his picture taken & although he was in a good mood he wanted no part of the photos & wanted me to have no part in them either!!  I am not really sure what happened but when we got to the location where we were going to do the photos & got changed & ready to start he freaked out & when I say freaked out I mean FREAKED OUT!!

He started throwing a fit & it was like no other I have seen before or want to see again; he was crying, screaming & yelling & only wanted me to hold him & that doesn't really happen ever.  He is usually so loving towards everyone that is around him but he wouldn't go to his dad or to his JuJu for anything.  We finally took him down to a playroom & Lance & I took a few photos in he hopes that he would calm down & join us but that just never happened.  He came out of the playroom & saw me laying on Lance's lap & came over & started grabbing at me to get up & get was so sad because it was like he was scared & thought something bad was happening to me.

I am not really sure what he was so upset about & have come to the conclusion that he is teething (since the drooling & nawing of toys has returned) but even with him teething he has never acted so "clingy" before & it made me wonder if he is sensing the baby's arrival & already having a reaction to that?  If that is the case than we are going to have our hands full when Colton arrives because B might not like him taking his mommy's time at all!!  I am so afraid & pray every day that B loves his new little brother & that his transition is as smooth as possible but after this weekend I am just not sure what he is going to do.

We are going to try again & finish up taking our photos tomorrow & can't wait to see them.  I will of course post them here once I receive them from CK Photography.  I am not feeling like the the most beautiful momma right now but I just know that they will do an amazing job capturing this precious time on our lives!!  Here is the only one that I have seen so far & I LOVE it!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Past Few Days.......

Have been rough to say the least; I am still fighting this darn cold, Brayden is having a rough time of it all (pretty sure teething is to blame) & Lance is now getting sick again!!  I need a day at the's not going to happen but a mommy can dream right??

B is not a child that likes to sit still or really even sit that often; he likes to be active & even stands when he is watching the TV so when he was like this on Saturday we knew we were in for a rough patch.............

He has been napping great but fighting going to bed & by fighting I mean having a complete & total breakdown for the past few nights.  Last night was a little better & he is still sleeping now (7am) so I am hoping that today will be a better day for him; I hate that he can't just tell me what hurts so that I can fix it!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Teething Is Getting The Best of Our Little Guy.........

Brayden is so miserable & nothing seems to help him; he is getting in 4 big boy teeth right now.........that's right he is getting a molar in every corner of his mouth!!  I give him Tylenol but it only helps for a little while, he bites the thing in the above picture & it massages his gums & helps for a bit as well but not long enough, we have tried teething tablets & baby Oragel but it seems as though our poor little boy is just going to be uncomfortable, in pain & a tad on the moody side until they finish coming in.  I am OK with all of this but I just hate that there is nothing that I can do for him & I hate that he is sleeping so poorly as well; he isn't waking up all the way during the night but he is very restless, moves around alot & whines/whimpers quite a bit as well.  It is so sad & I know that if he could at least get a good nights sleep he would feel a little better through out the day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekend Review, Tooth #2, & So Much More.....

We had a wonderful weekend getting the house organized & finally putting things on the walls in the new house.  We are trying to take our time with the decorating aspect of this house & it seems like it is taking FOREVER; slowly but shirley things are getting hung on the walls, put in their place & it is looking more & more like home each day!!  I promise once at least one room gets fully finished I will start to post pictures of it all.

The best part of our weekend would have to be all the things that B learned, did or popped out.  In the span of last Friday to Monday (yesterday) his 2nd tooth popped through, he learned how to patty cake all by himself, decided that he can use his pincher's to feed himself, can drink from his sippy cup all by himself, can scoot himself on his belly all across the room (only backwards though), & only wants to walk when we go from room to room (holding our hands of course)!  I swear I feel like he became his own little person this weekend & soon he won't need me at all.

I knew that he was working on a tooth but should have know that it was coming VERY soon when Sophie became his best buddy again Friday night.  I noticed it had popped through yesterday when I picked him up from school & he now has his 2 front bottom teeth!

He has been working on the crawling thing a good bit for only about a week now & he really doesn't show much interest in doing it but he will rock on his hands & knees but usually gives up, lays on his belly & pushes himself backwards to get where he wants to go or to get his hands on the toy he is after!

When B first started school I went back & forth in my head about if I did or did not want his school telling us things that might be firsts; at first I didn't want them to tell me things because I thought that he would eventually do it for Lance & I & we would think he did his first whatever for us but I have changed my mind completely on that when I found out he had been feeding himself for over a week before he did it for us at home NOT TO MENTION drinking from him sippy cup by himself.  It is so neat to watch him do things for himself not to mention I now get to make him homemade finger foods!!

He learned to clap when we sing "paddy cake, paddy cake" to him & it is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my WHOLE life.  He gets so excited when he hears it & will sit & clap the whole time you sing it & I mean the whole matter how long you sing!!

Now on to the thing that makes me the most sad; he loves to do this (below) all the time& by all the time I mean when I am holding him he pushes me to put him down! 

He doesn't want to be held by his momma when we are at home anymore, he wants to walk like a big boy..........doesn't he know that he is still my baby & mommy needs more baby time with him??  Doesn't he know that he can't grow up this fast??  As cute as he is walking I still want to hold, cuddle & carry my little least for a few more years!!

Oh yeah..........I almost forgot; Lance has to lower his crib tomorrow too.  I put him down in his crib so that I could get his bath ready & when I walked around the corner I saw his with his hands on the front of his crib up on his knees; I almost passed out!!  Slow down little man......PLEASE!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

What a Weekend & Week To Come........

Everyone was right even though I couldn't see it last week I saw it Friday night when I was feeding B dinner; he has his first tooth coming in on the bottom & it is making my usually happy go lucky boy pretty fussy & have the worst poops ever. He would go from this (you can't tell from the picture but he is gnawing away on this paci)........

to a second flat! He would whine & cry for a few minutes & then he would get distracted by a toy & be fine again; I have to admit that I love that his teething has made him want to cuddle with his momma!!

B really was in a good mood even though I could tell that he was in pain & all in all we had a great weekend. We actually got to go for a walk outside both Saturday & Sunday & all I can say is B loves to be outside; he seemed to be taking it all in while we walked.

We sat in the backyard & play with the pups for a good while both days too!! The dogs loved that we came outside with them to play & Brayden loved to watch Bella run after the ball when I would throw it; he would giggle every time :)

In house news we are closing on the 31st at noon & I couldn't be more ready for it; I thought the house was a mess last week but this weekend we pulled everything out of the attic & put in in the garage & packed up almost everything that was left! There are boxes & decorations everywhere & I can't wait to start moving stuff over after we sign on Wednesday. I am going to start moving over what I can on Wednesday evening & all day Thursday while Lance is working & then the movers come on Friday for the big stuff........B's 8 month birthday is this Saturday & he will be waking up in our new house for the 1st time!!!

Song of the Day: Beth Hart - LA Song

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Weekend, My Weekend

I just said that in my head like Julia Roberts says "my reception, my reception" in Steel Magnolias.....I love that movie & watch it every time I see it on!!

Anyway, my weekend started on Friday since I was off from work to spend the day with little man & to try to start packing this house up; it is going to be a very long process to say the least!! We got up, got Lance off to work & then we were off to run to the dry cleaners, grocery store & to get B some more 9 month pants (did I post that he weighed in at 18 lbs. 13 oz. when I took him to the doctor last week??). We got home just in time for B's bottle & nap; while he napped I packed!! Everything was great for a while & then the day turned into this.........
I am not sure what happened (maybe teeth) but he fell apart for the rest of the afternoon. Unless I was up walking he was crying & fussing; thankfully Lance's mom & dad came over for a while that evening to play & help!!

Saturday Lance had to work so Brayden & I only ran out once throughout the day & then the rest of the day we just stayed home playing & having a good time. I wanted to be home just in case the day turned out like the one before & it did but not as bad. I know that fussing is normal for a 7.5 month old child but not him; he is generally so happy all the time. I mean even when he had that horrible cold he was smiling & laughing so this is just different for him. I think it might be his teeth coming in but he won't let me in his mouth to look so I really can't say for sure. He is pulling his ears & has been for about 2 weeks now which is why I took him to the doctor but he had no ear infection so the doctor said that some kids pull on their ears when their teeth come in; all I know is my baby boy is unhappy so momma is unhappy :)

Sunday we took Lance's mom & dad over to see the new house (his mom had already seen it but his dad hadn't) then did lunch & went to look at living room furniture again. It was a great day & even with the time change Brayden stayed on schedule & was a happy boy all day......he even STTN Sunday night. I would give that a woo hoo but it was a fluke last night was awful & he was up on & off from 11:30 on; I wish at that late/early hour he could tell me what hurts so that I could help him & make whatever the issue is go away! My poor baby was so grumpy this morning & he yelled at me from the time he got up until the time I dropped him off at school!!

Song of the Day: Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow