Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Small Vent for My Sanity..........

For the past 2 weeks I have been stuck in the house & feel like I am going to have a breakdown of some sort any minute.  Brayden managed to catch a pretty bad cold right before Christmas & it kicked into overdrive the day after Christmas & Colton managed to catch it & his kicked into overdrive on new years eve.  we had no plans for new years eve (just sushi & a movie here at the house) but this isn't the way I wanted to start the new year either.

I am very thankful that we enjoy a fabulous Christmas & both boys were healthy but I need them both to get over this cold & be 100% again like YESTERDAY.  This may sound horrible but I am tired of snotty noses, crying, whining, runny poops because of medicine, sleepless nights BUT mainly I miss my happy go lucky little guys.  Their smiles have been few & far between & when we have a bad/long day that always makes it better so without it I feel like I am in hell..................oh yeah & did I mention I have now managed to catch the cold too??

I took Colton to the doctor & of course they told me that he "just had a cold" & "we would have to let it run it's course"............this was after 3 nights of sleeping holding Colton in the recliner while he semi sleep so I just had a breakdown once we got back into the car.  I guess a part of me want him to have something that required antibiotics so that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel but alas in there eyes he was "fine". Both of the boys have had severely bad coughs & runny noses & have had many a restless night which means momma has too.

I am tired & grumpy & just want my children to return to their happy healthy selves ASAP!!!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Under the Weather.......

B woke up yesterday & didn't quite seem himself but was in a good mood so I just thought that he just wasn't quite awake just yet BUT THEN I picked him up & he was a little ball of fire.  I took his temperature & it was 100.9 so I gave him Tylenol & we just took it easy all day; we ran a few errands (on the off chance Colton does decide to come) but mainly we relaxed & watch movies all afternoon.

The fact that B actually sat still & laid down for all of this really makes me understand that he wasn't feeling well since he NEVER sits & does anything nor does he ever want to stay inside.  He was also very clingy & wanted me right by his side all day yesterday & even though he is generally a very loving little guy this was different & I didn't mind it one bit.  I did however get worried because his fever spiked pretty high (103.1) right before I laid him down for the night but as I checked him throughout the night he was too warm.

Brayden always goes to the back or garage doors & asks to go out & play so I know that our little guy was not well yesterday & can only pray that he wakes up better today!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodson House of Sickness.........

We have had one hell of a weekend & beginning of this week in the Goodson household & I am ready for this week to end already & it just began!!

Thursday started off as normal as could be; B woke up in an unbelievably wonderful mood & ran around says "hey" & "hi" to the dogs, daddy & myself all morning & until it was time for daycare.  He went in like a big boy & all was good UNTIL I got the call at about 10:45am; he had thrown up all over the place.  They said that he seemed fine & had no fever so he could stay but really.........leave my kid at daycare after that NO WAY, the house & all the errands I had to run were going to have to wait & off I went on the 5 second drive to get him & like they said he was fine but oh so happy to see mommy.  We packed him up & home we went; he didn't eat much & went down for a rather long nap but again he woke up fine & never got sick again.  I am going to chalk it up to teething & drainage upsetting his poor little belly to the point of making him sick; he does have his 18 month check up this Friday so I of course let them know about it but mommy intuition tells me that it was one of "those days".

We took it easy the rest of the day & just played around the house for the rest of the afternoon & then made plans to head out for a visit with PaPa & JuJu for lunch on Friday & although we had a great time & a wonderful lunch I now wish that we would have just stayed home........I ate something bad & at about 11:30 Friday evening I was up & in the bathroom & didn't get out until Saturday late was the longest most horrible day I have had in quite a long time!!  Thankfully Lance took Brayden to his JuJu's Friday morning for a day & night of fun because there is no way in hell I was going to be able to run after the ever curious little guy that day!!

B got to go watch his cousin play basketball, play at the park & enjoy the 60 degree GA weather & then spend the night at JuJu & PaPa's so I know that he had fun but when Lance took him over there Saturday morning I cried.........a lot & missed him so much.  I spent Saturday in bed or in the bathroom until about 5 that evening & then finally ran a bath & soaked for a while to try & get my body to stop aching; being pregnant & sick is not fun at all; not to mention the worry I felt about baby Colton the whole day.  I was of course on the phone with my OB first thing that morning & of course there was no reason to worry but I guess that is just what mommas do!

Lance got home from work that night with gifts of Smart Water & flowers & we sat up a talked for about an hour before I was off to bed only to wake up Sunday feeling very weak, having a larger than life headache & just feeling overall yucky so needless to say we missed out on a planned family birthday party.  I was pretty bummed that we missed the party because we don't get to see them very often & I just knew that Brayden would have had a blast & Sunday turned out to be a day from hell!!

We are selling our boat since we have another little guy on the way & won't be using it very much in the next few years & if you have ever owned or known someone who owns a boat it is always an adventure when you try to do anything with it.  All Lance wanted to do was get it cleaned before the people looked at it & that turned into the purchase of a new battery, flat tires on the trailer that needed valve stems replaced (& no one was open early on a Sunday) & then once they got replaced on his way back up to meet the people a tire blew out & we had to get brand new tire for the darn thing so needless to say it was a very long day Sunday as well.  Fingers crossed that we hear back from the people & they will take the boat off our hands; it is bitter sweet to see it go since we have had so many great times on it but it is one expense that we don't need at this point in time.

Sunday came to an end early for all three of us; Brayden is teething & having a rough time of it so he was even trying to climb into bed all by himself at & so Lance & I followed very soon after he was out.   Monday arrived & I still had my headache but I was bound & determined to have a great day with little man.........that didn't happen at all though.  He is just having such a hard time with his teeth this time & I can see that he wants to be in a good mood but his teeth are just getting the best of him & I hate that I can't do a thing for him.   We made the most out of a yuck day & worked on some Valentine's Day arts & crafts & then he was off to bed about 7:30 that night; I still had/have my headache so I crawled in bed to watch TV & wait for Lance to get home only for my phone to ring & for Lance to tell me that he felt sick & thought that he was going to throw up.........5 minutes later he called back & said that he had thrown up & was trying to get home before doing so again.  He spend most of last night in the bathroom & is thankfully resting now & will be for the rest of the day.

I am not sure why or what is going on in this household but one thing is for sure; once I take B to daycare & have Lance tucked into bed for the day I am cleaning & disinfecting this whole entire house...headache or no headache I will get the germs out of this house today!!  The Lysol smell might take over our whole neighborhood but we will have no more yuck germs here; PLEASE & THANK YOU!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Past Few Days.......

Have been rough to say the least; I am still fighting this darn cold, Brayden is having a rough time of it all (pretty sure teething is to blame) & Lance is now getting sick again!!  I need a day at the's not going to happen but a mommy can dream right??

B is not a child that likes to sit still or really even sit that often; he likes to be active & even stands when he is watching the TV so when he was like this on Saturday we knew we were in for a rough patch.............

He has been napping great but fighting going to bed & by fighting I mean having a complete & total breakdown for the past few nights.  Last night was a little better & he is still sleeping now (7am) so I am hoping that today will be a better day for him; I hate that he can't just tell me what hurts so that I can fix it!!

Friday, December 24, 2010


Why did I have to wake up this morning to snot running across my right??  I have finally caught the damn cold that I have been feeling coming & fighting off for almost 2 weeks & of course it has to be that it comes full force on Christmas Eve.  If this cold thinks that it is going to get the best of me it has another thing coming!!  Christmas will not be ruined because I can't breathe, can barely talk & because every time I swallow it feels like I am swallowing razorblades; I am just hoping that B wakes up feeling better than he did yesterday!!

He has also been fighting off a slight cold & yesterday his nose & eyes were both running & watering like crazy.  The good thing is neither one of us has a fever & I am just hoping & praying that we do not develop one as the day goes on.  Lance gets off today at noon & we really only have one thing planned so hopefully we will have a restful & lazy day together.  We are going to start our Gingerbread House tradition & that should be interesting to say the almost 17 month playing with icing & candy is going to awesome (I will of course post pictures)!!!

On a happier note; they are saying that it is going to snow here in GA tomorrow!!  I am trying not to get my hopes up but to have a white Christmas would be a dream come true for me............I have always wanted to have one & I think that B would really enjoy it too!!!

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Under the Weather..........

That is how I have felt since this past Monday & I hate it!!  I think that the lack of sleep that I have been getting on top of the fact that I have been on the go non-stop getting things done finally caught up with me.  I had a headache Monday & it got worse Tuesday so thankfully Lance was home from work to help take care of little man; they had the best time playing & B actually took a 4 hour nap that day too so maybe he was fighting something off too!!  We all had a very lazy day in our comfy clothes & didn't do too much at all really.........

We don't get many days as a family so this one was pretty special & even though I didn't feel well we made the most out of the time together.  Lance was so sweet all day & offered to take care & do everything for B that day but I just couldn't miss out on our nightly bath & book routine.  Isn't it funny how even though you see them everyday the thought of missing one little moment in their little lives is heartbreaking; who knew that love & life could ever be this grand & wonderful.........

B went to "school" on Wednesday so I got some stuff done around the house & then made myself rest for a good portion of the afternoon.  I am one of those people that HAS to have a clean house or I can't rest.  The laundry CAN NOT be piled up & has to be put away right when it is done drying.  I have to vacuum at least every other day so that dog hair doesn't get on our clothes.  Dishes CAN NOT be in the sink & have to be rinsed & put in the dishwasher ASAP!!  I am a clean/neat freak & sometimes I hate it but until all of these things are done I can not relax & just sit; sadly these things are NEVER all done so I don't relax that often........maybe I need to seek professional help.

Monday, July 26, 2010

M.I.A. - The Last Week of My Life.........

I was MIA until I started Brayden's pre-birthday posts for good reason I promise........this has been my hell!!

Sunday, July 18:
Wake up feeling perfectly fine until around 11 I fall down with excruciating pain in my right side!  Lance & I go to the emergent care facility down the street ($25); they say I have a kidney stone & send me home with pain meds.  This is after failing to listen to me & trying to get an IV in my right arm twice & failing (like I told them they would in the beginning) so I had to get 2 shots in that arm as well.  Got home & stayed doped up all day & night.

Monday, July 19:
Lance took B to school since I was still in an enormous amount of pain & still pumped full of Loratab & I stay home to try to pass the stone they said I had.  I stopped taking the pain medicine around 9 am so that I could pick B up from school & take care of him that evening.  I spent the whole day laying in bed waiting for the damn thing to pass & nothing.........still in pain I pick up B & we get home play, laugh, eat, bath, & down to bed.  Just seeing him took all my pain away (not really but you know what I mean); after he went down I was in even more pain from doing everything with him that I took a bath, a pain pill & I was out.

Tuesday, July 20:
Get up as normal (still in the same pain.....still no stone & couldn't take pain meds) get ready for work & then get B ready for school.  Drop B off, get to work, train the new guy taking over my job until around 11 when I can't take the pain anymore & head back to the doctor ($25) to see what the hell is wrong since there is NO STONE!!  Get there & they send me off to get a CT Scan.  Get to CT Scan place & there is a problem with our insurance; Lance left his employer & our COBRA was in the middle of being processed so I had to be personally responsibly for the payment ($450)!  Do the scan & wait 2 hours for the results & NOTHING!!!  Call the doctors office to find out the next step & they tell me to go home, drink plenty of fluids & rest......"you should be fine in a few days".  I cry my whole way home but smile when I see B; his JuJu picked him up from school for me & did his nightly routine as well since I just couldn't do it.  I lay down & try to rest but couldn't because I was still in the most horrible pain ever!!

Wednesday, July 21:
 I decided that I was just going to take myself to the ER ($150) & make them figure out what the hell was going on.............I checked myself in only to find out that I have "several cysts on each of my ovaries" as the ER doctor said & that I would now need to go see the OB.  I asked him if that what caused my severe pain on Sunday & he said that when they burst they can cause the type of pain that I am describing.  I asked him if this could prevent me from getting pregnant again & he said yes (more on that in another post). I was devastated & just wanted to get home & hug B.  JuJu had to pick him up again & I just felt horrible but had to at give him his night night bottle & rock him a bit before bed since I hadn't in what felt like a year but was only a few days!!

Thursday, July 22:
Head into work to train the new guy (training sucks) & call the OB to schedule an appointment before the weekend came & they tell me they can't schedule the appt. until they get everything from the hospital & they will call me when they do.............I don't hear from them at all Thursday.  I do however manage to pick up B from school & do the whole evening routine myself & I missed it so much!!  I put myself to bed & had to take a pain pill because of the pain but couldn't sleep at all.

Friday, July 23:
Get up & get ready for work, get B ready & dropped off at school & head to work.  I had to wait until 8:30 am to call the OB since that is when they open only for them to tell me that they don't need to see me for 6 weeks because "the cysts couldn't be causing that amount of pain that I am having"; I said OK, hung up the phone & called Lance & just lost it.  Why wouldn't anyone try harder to figure out what was wrong with me??  How was I going to live with this pain for the next 6 weeks??  I was at the end of my rope!!  Lance called the OB's office & called me back only to tell me to head back to the ER for more testing!!  I lost it again but left work to go there...........they check me in the ER ($150) & the same doctor is there & he said "I don't know what you want ME to do" so I lost it again on him.  He said he understood my frustration, asked me to calm down & he would do another CT scan but this time do it with contrast for a better look.  They do they test & at first thought that their was a abscess in one of my tubes but then later came back & said that there was "some type of infection or something"..........really an ER doctors words.....& tell me that I have to now go see the OB ASAP

Saturday & Sunday were spent trying to enjoy my family in between the pain so I wouldn't consider it quality time!

From all of this..........I have spent way to much money to know nothing, I have 3 horrible bruises on my arms from IV sticks; am still hurting & in pain, am exhausted, am way behind on B's birthday party planning & organizing, training the new guy, missing my husband & son & overall just want to know what the hell is going on with my body!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weekend Review...........Long & Packed Full of Photos!

We had quite a long, busy & fun weekend with Brayden even though he still isn't quite 100%.  Wednesday I stayed home with him & then Thursday Lance stayed home with him since we were both off on Friday!

Thursday was a long day for Lance since he really hasn't ever kept Brayden because he was sick; I think that they still had a great day together I just think that there was a lot of happy to sad quick changes from Brayden.  Like this.........
& this........
Poor Brayden just wasn't himself that day & so by the time I got home from work Thursday evening Lance was worn out & Brayden was ready for bed.  He hadn't had a fever all day which was great & was our biggest concern since it was 103 the past day & a half.  Brayden woke up Friday morning & was 90% & I couldn't have been happier!  We spent the morning with him playing & laughing & then when he went down for his morning nap Lance & I both got ready to run our errands.  We kept waiting for B to wake up but he slept for 2 hours; he never takes that long of a morning nap but we were happy he got some god rest!!

We took him into school & I have to say he seemed really happy to be there after playing hookie for 2 days!  I had a hair appointment & Lance went with me to get a haircut too, then we ran around taking care of a few more things & then we were back to pick B up & we were home bound to get ready for company later that night!  We had a few our our newly engaged friends over for a little poker; it brought back so many memories to here them talk about wedding plans not to mention baby plans!  They are not only getting married but they are expecting too; they are going to be he 1st set of our close friends to have a baby & Lance & I are so excited for them as well as us.  It is so hard when none of our friends have kids & don't seem to understand we just can't always go out!

Lance won the poker game that night..............WOO HOO!!

Saturday we just hung around the house & Lance got so much done around the house while B & I played; he even managed to get the baby gates up on the stairs.  We had been trying to get them up for some time now but none of the ones that we bought were working so he had to figure out a "creative" way to make our stairs safe & he did a great job!  Then we decided that after B's nap we would do his pool in the back yard for the 1st time.........he was so cute in his little swim outfit, huh???
 & he liked the pool but not right away!
Bella & Georgia had a fun time in their pool as well!!
Oh yeah, Saturday morning B tried eggs for the 1st time & I think that he is allergic; he had a rash on his back & chest a few hours after but it didn't really bother him & went away completely later that afternoon.

 Saturday night we just ordered Chinese & relaxed at home since we had family birthday lunch on Sunday for Glenn, Jason, Travis & Caleb.  I got up with Brayden Sunday morning we we ate breakfast while we let Lance sleep in a bit!  Brayden & I played & crawled & walked around the house until he passed out; I love when he gets sleepy & starts laying his head down on my lap!!

We got ready B woke up & we were off to JuJu & PaPa's house to visit before we were off to the restaurant to eat. Here's B in his big boy car seat.......he loves it!
We played around & then went to eat & then we were back & the house for cake & ice cream.........
Brayden LOVED the cake!!
Then it was home to rest & bed............Lance had to get a good nights sleep since he was starting a new job Monday (yesterday) & I had work (BOO)!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We Are Never Going Close...........

Well, it is our scheduled closing day again & here I sit at work because it is once again NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! I am so frustrated & tired of people telling us everything is "good to go" when apparently it isn't & they haven't done their job! We are now rescheduled again for this Friday morning & all I can say is it better happen or instead of Lance talking to them I will get involved & tell them exactly what their incompetence is causing & costing us. We are going to (hopefully) end up moving this weekend which means that we will be moving on Saturday which is B's 8 month birthday & then getting settled all day Sunday which is B's 1st Easter & he only gets one FIRST Easter!! I just feel like we are stuck in this holding pattern & stuck in a house of boxes & are never going to get out...........

Here is my little man making a face at mommy; I might add that this is him last night after he projectile vomited all over me!! I guess something just didn't sit right in there because he was just fine after he got it ALL out!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Out of All the Toys.........

Brayden has a ton of toys but out of all of them he likes the TV remote & an empty water bottle the most.........go figure!!

Our poor little boy though; he just doesn't seem himself lately & I am not sure what is going on. Last night he kept crying in his sleep; he never really woke up but it was so pitiful!! He has a slight runny nose but no fever, he is pulling at his ear here & there but has been since I took him to the doctor the last time to get it checked out & they said probably teeth but I don't see any sign of teeth coming up yet so I don't think it is that; but than again I could be wrong & one pop up today! He hasn't had any belly issues in quite a while (Thank God & please don't let me be jinxing myself) so it shouldn't be that. He might be going through a painful growth spurt but my goodness he just did a few weeks ago (& if it is a growth spurt how tall in my son going to be??) but it wasn't like this so I am at a total & complete lose........anyone have any suggestions or advise??

On the house issue we might be closing Monday but we won't know for sure until the end of today so I have decided to let it go & whenever we close we close (as long as we make the April 30th deadline for the $8000 new home tax credit) & whenever we get to move we move!! I will leave it all in God's hands & it will all work out when it is supposed to!!!!

Hope everyone has a Happy Friday :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Recap & Just Because

Our weekend started off with Brayden going to the doctor on Friday & them telling me that he just has a really bad cold & to just continue what I had been doing (Vick's on the chest, the Vick's waterless vaporizer pads at night, saline drops & booger get the idea) BUT Brayden had no fever, no ear infection, nothing was wrong with his throat & his cough was OK as well........I should have been happy with the doctor saying that but my poor baby had a rough weekend & is still not well today! I actually think his cough is worse but he still has no fever so there isn't much I can do for him & I HATE this feeling.

I spend Friday afternoon with him at home & we had such a good time together but I could tell that as it got later he felt worse so we did our normal eat, bath, bottle & sleep & he was out at 6:30; he slept alright until around 1am & then he was up & down for the rest of the night. All I would have to do to get him back to sleep was give him is paci & turn on his aquarium but he would cry & whine in his was pitiful!!

Saturday Lance went to work & his mom came over to see little man in the morning & it was nice to have 2 sets of hands since he still wasn't feeling well; Saturday night was a repeat of Friday night so poor baby didn't sleep well at all again but he took a great morning nap Sunday & then napped on & off through out the day while we were out & about shopping.

Sunday we went shopping/looking for a bedroom suite for the new house..........that's right WE GOT THE HOUSE & will be closing on it on or before March 31st. I am so excited I could scream but I won't since I am at work :) Anyway, we were out looking for a new bedroom suite for the spare bedroom down stairs; we found it at American Signature Furniture & it is going to look perfect!! We also found a new living room suite; I actually have looked the set for about a year now & I think that we have finally decided to get it. The new house is of course bigger than ours now & we will have 2 separate sitting/family rooms..........the new set will look great in the downstairs family room & I will finally get the purple accented room that I have always dreamed of!!

We got home from lunch & shopping & little man at dinner (he had chicken for the 1st time & loved it!!) & then it was off to take a hot steam shower with his dad! We thought that the steam plus the saline drops would help clear out his little nose & it did but only until around 11:30 that night & then he was up a down for the rest of the night! I am very tired today; exhausted actually & can't wait for this day to end but only because I get to go pick up our little man (who is hopefully in a good mood & feeling better) take him home for a walk & then our normal nightly routine & once he is down for HOPEFULLY the night the packing begins!!! I love to pack; I know it sounds crazy but packing is fun......moving sucks....BUT packing it fun & a way to get organized right before you move :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend & just because here is our little man!!

Monday, March 1, 2010


That is how I would describe myself right now; I am sitting at my desk at work & feel like my head is going to drop at any moment!! I am so tired & on top of that I think that I am catching what all these bozos that I work with brought here last week; I HATE when people come to work sick with a fever & get everyone else sick.......HATE IT!!! I fought not getting it but I think our long & busy weekend did me in & I would go home & rest while B is at school but I was off Friday & have so much to catch up on PLUS close out the here I will sit with my door closed (so as not to get anyone else sick) working away & hoping that this day goes by very quickly!!!

Here is my song choice for today......Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Weekend Recap....

Little man is under the weather with a cold & pretty bad nose congestion but over all we had a great but very busy weekend; Saturday Brayden spent a few hours in the morning with his JuJu so that I could go get my nails & toes done & then when I got back we packed little man up in the car & headed out to run some errands.........we didn't get much done though because B started looking like he was getting worse & I got worried & wanted to get home & take his temperature. He thankfully didn't have one & after a juice bottle he was back to his happy self; it is amazing to me that my son can be so happy with that much snot running out of his nose :) We played & had a great afternoon & then Lance got home, B went down & Lance & I stayed up laughing, talking & watch the UFC was a blast & we hadn't laughed like that in quite a while BUT I should have gone to bed when B did because it turned into a very long night!!

His little nose was so clogged that he was up on & off from 1:30am on & it made for a bad morning for momma!! We were going to look at a house (blog about that hopefully later) @ 11 so JuJu was coming to pick up little man at 10 since we were all meeting for lunch later that day but I had the hardest time getting up & the WORST headache I have ever had in my life. I guess when I actually slept I slept funky because my headache was being caused by what felt like a dagger stabbing me in the neck!! It was bad but I figured if B was in a good mood not feeling well than I could be too :)

We looked at the house & then went to meet everyone for a very yummy Japanese lunch & then it was back over to JuJu & PaPa's house for a birthday celebration; we were celebrating B's cousin Max's birthday, Aunt Tara's & his PaPa's 50th birthday!! We had cake & ice cream & it was so much fun to see him interact with all of his cousin's; we hadn't seen of the family in quite some time so it was nice to catch up with everyone!!

Lance left before I did (he had house stuff to do) & then I left about an hour later......I still had my horrific headache but wanted Brayden to see everyone for as long as he could!!