Anyway, he went to bed Friday night as usual & then Saturday we spent the day shopping with JuJu & he was so good the whole time we were at the mall & OH MY GOODNESS the clothes & hats we got for him......I will have to post pictures as he wears them :) We got home from the mall about 3 & he was getting a bit fussy but I thought he was just tired but as the night went on I could tell his little belly cramping & his little poops were not normal.....he was straining so hard & all that was coming out was little marble shaped hard nuggets. I felt so bad for him but once he would get a little bit out he would seem to feel better so I was sure that the "big one" was coming & once it did he would feel soooo much better.....well it is Monday afternoon @ 2:51 & the "big one" still has not come!!
We were going to go to dinner Saturday with Lance's parents but when I was putting Brayden in his car seat he let out the worst most painful squeal I had ever heard so I took him out of the seat, gave him his bath & rocked him until he fell asleep. He slept for a few hours & then would be up for about 2 hours & then would fall back asleep & so on & so on......
Yesterday we had some friends over to watch the Giants game (which sucked) & poor Baby Brayden was having the worst day he has ever had. All he wanted was for me to hold I did & then once he would fall asleep I would lay him down & get about a 30 minute break & then he was up fussing & straining again & it was so sad & heart breaking to watch. I broke out into tears last night at about 6 because I felt like a horrible mom; he was in so much pain & there was nothing I could do to help was his colic times 10. It is just so sad to open his diaper & pray that there is more than just 1 little marble sized nugget in there!!!
He was up & down all night last night again so today I am exhausted (Lance had a bad stomach ache himself so he couldn't help much last night), trying to work & also trying to take care of my poor little man who still can't get the "big one" out of his little booty!! I love him so much & just keep praying that tonight he will get some good rest tonight & finally have a good bowel movement! Keep your fingers crossed for him!!
Brayden & I spend a good bit of Sunday in this chair.....
Brayden in his new sweatpants....
Brayden's 1st pair of jeans & love this hat to death, but as you can see he is not happy at all!!
The photos are SO cute! And I'm so sorry that he is feeling so badly! Keeping my fingers crossed that his belly feels better soon!