Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stop The Insanity; PLEASE!!!

Why is it when I am trying NOT to spend money I get emails like this all day everyday for the past week from Victoria's Secret????

I mean tell me who can resist the wonderful Madden Girl flip flops pictured above??


  1. lol! I hear you, I hate those emails and love them all at the same time

  2. bahahaha. i just want them to stop flaunting the fact that i don't look like their models and prob never will again. meanies.

    btw, think i got the followers link on my blog working. i'm in the midst of a make-over and it's taking time i don't have!

  3. thankfully i never step foot into victoria's s. this probably saves me alot of $!

  4. I know what you mean. Its so hard to resist. I stay as far away from the mall as possible. Because I couldn't hold back if I go there.

    Guess what I got Cooper a set of those creepy crawlers. I loved them on your blog post a couple weeks ago and had to buy some for him. I'll be posting about it tonight or tomorrow. But I think they are adorable.
