Friday, April 16, 2010

Clear & Critical......

Ladies I will finally have my internet back today; WOO HOO!  We decided to go with Clear & dump AT&T for everything except for Lance's IPhone.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that the speed & service are good; does anyone use them?

Having internet back at home means that this weekend I will be updating on a ton of stuff that has happened over the last week & a half; from the move to the new house, Easter & Brayden's 1st over night stay with JuJu & PaPa, Brayden's 8 month photos & stats & also my Q&A I did a while back (if anyone has any other questions for Lance & I ask away).  I am excited that I can finally upload all of the pictures for these occasions to our computer & to my blog!!

Now for the critical part; why do I pick myself apart in every way, shape & form all of the time....especially in pictures?  Here are a few more of the pictures Lance's sister took for us on Sunday & I hate the way I look in all of them!!  I hate my hair & the fact that my ear is sticking through it in most of these pictures, I hate how horrible my crows feet look when I smile not to mention I have bags under my eyes for some reason, I hate my outfit (which by the way I thought looked great when I put it on that morning), I hate my smile & my teeth.........I hate everything!!  I have picked these pictures apart a million different ways & just don't understand why I do that to myself & NEED to stop the insanity & in the future just look & them & NOT study them so closely.


Song of the Day: Billy Joel "She's Always A Woman"


  1. What are you talking about, your beautiful! You look great! Those are all great pictures, you have a beautiful family. I'm glad your internet is back, can't wait to see more pictures.

  2. YAY for having internet again!! Can't wait for some updates!

    I completely understand how you feel about hating the way you look in pictures (you look gorgeous in all of them though, don't know what you're talking about). I AM THE SAME WAY!! OH MY GOSH! I ALWAYS think my face looks ugly & chubby. Why are us women so critical of ourselves??

  3. I think you look beautiful in those pictures. You glow like a happy, loving Mom! But I have been feeling the same way whenever I see photos of myself lately. I finally went out a couple of weeks ago and bought some new makeup, clothes, got my brows waxed, and got a haircut and highlights. And you know what?! After all that I STILL DON'T LIKE HOW I LOOK IN PICTURES!! Maybe it's just a post pregnancy thing. I'm going to blame it on that :)

  4. I think we all judge ourselves way to harshly, and I think you look awesome in the photos too...I look terrible, and I'm not happy about it, and I feel the same way you do. I don't even want to take any photos of me with my little guy! I'm SO disappointed! :(

  5. Great pictures!!! They are so cute, you look gorgeous.

  6. Great pics!!! I just started reading your blog ...cant wait to read more....your lil one is adorable too !

  7. Don't be so hard on yourself!! You are gorgeous mama!!

  8. FWIW, I think you're gorgeous and you seriously look SO HAPPY in these pictures! We all pick ourselves apart & I don't know why?!

    Good luck with Clear. Let me know how you like it. I'm thinking of switching from Verizon in December when my contract is up...

    Have a good weekend.

  9. Girl... I am ALWAYS critical of myself. It seems no matter what we have we are never happy, but FWIW I think you look gorgeous in all the photos!!! I know people can tell you that, but you always have to pick yourself apart no matter what.

  10. Yay for your internet coming back on.
    And girl you should so not be tearing yourself apart. Seriously and I'm not just saying this, but you are beautiful! You look great in these pics, and your family is such a beautiful family as well. Baby Braden is just precious!
    I know what you mean though, I do the same thing you do. But seriously you shouldn't because I think your gorg!
