Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Discipline & Consistency.....

I would have to say that when it comes to discipline & my consistency with it I am learning as I go & sometimes feeling like I am even failing as I go.  I feel like all I say to B these days is "no-no", "that will hurt Brayden" or "please don't that" & I hate the way that that makes me feel.  I mean I knew that I was going to end up being the "mean/bad parent" & Lance would be the "fun parent" simply because I am home with B & Lance's work hours suck & are very long but now that B is old enough & needing guidance & discipline it really is starting to feel that way & I hate it!!  I know that B has to learn right from wrong, good from bad, & of course living in the south manners are a must but I am struggling with the whole consistency thing which is making the disciplining part even harder.

I will let B do one thing one day (because it is either funny or I don't think about how unsafe it is I guess) & then tell him no the next day & he gets frustrated which in turn causes me to get frustrated & that in turns just makes for a completely bad situation & usually a crying/screaming child!!

Case In Point:  He loves to get up on the furniture but of course he doesn't want to just get up there & sit still; he wants to run & jump on it all...........especially on our sofa upstairs.  I was laughing at him doing this for he 1st time the other day but then realized that it was completely dangerous & he was probably going to eventually get hurt (not to mention I don't want him jumping on the furniture) so I made him stop.  He did just fine when I told him at that moment but about an hour later when he remembered how much fun it was to run & jump on the sofa & wanted to do it again when I said no to him he was of course confused & upset.

I have to start thinking about things a little better & being a better more consistent parent when it comes to things like this.  Sometimes I feel like I am setting myself of for failure when I let him do something like this & then I think "shouldn't I have this parenting thing figured out by now" & get really upset with myself.  I am not sure if it is pregnancy hormones or not but lately I have just been really hard in myself as far as my parenting skills go or don't go as far as I see it lately.  We will have 2 little boys running & playing in the house & if I can't figure it out with B then how am I going to figure it out the C joins the family in May??  Maybe I am just getting a bit freaked out & scared & just need to take a deep breathe & relax & I will do that eventually but until then how do you handle discipline & are you as consistent as you would like to be or think that you should be??

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! I wish I was more consistent! I don't have advice for you at all but I'm glad to know others feel that way. I've gotten better about sticking to my guns and Lidia has learned what she can and can't do but she will still test me! It's just the age. I think you are doing just great!
