Monday, February 27, 2012

Valentine's Day.........

I think like a lot of other women (&men too) out there I am addicted to Pinterest & have been stock piling ideas for just about every occasion that comes up each year & it just so happened that Valentine's Day was the 1st to pop up & I had a great time putting some of the things that I had found to good use.  I found both the idea for the mailboxes on there as well as the 14 days of Valentine's Day.  With 2 kids Lance & I are really having to work at our marriage so every little bit counts & helps us to remember that we are are a married couple & NOT just a mom & dad to the boys...........

I am really enjoying my crafting & think that it is just what I need for my much needed me time; I don't have much of it but when I do I love it.  Here is how it all turned out & I think that Lance loved his & that B loved getting little stuff too!!

I am bummed that I forgot to take a photo on one of the days but this is what it kind of looked like:

Here are the boys that morning enjoying their cards & B his chocolate.

& here are the Valentine's that I made for the boys friends at school!

Colton's are gummy bears & teddy grahams bagged up with these cute little tags.

B's are melted crayon hearts with little "you color my world" tags.

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