Friday, August 24, 2012

15 Month Old Colt

 I don't know where the time is going but this little guy is getting so big so fast; he is growing up faster than B did that's for sure!!  He celebrated his 15 month milestone August 3rd (B's birthday) & I think that he thinks he is the one that turned 3.  He is defiantly getting to big for his britches!!  He is mister independent & wants to do everything on his own...........until he does, gets hurt & then wants mommy.  He is a momma's boy for sure; he used to be a daddy's boy but I secretly whispered in his ear that I was cooler & he finally listened.

He is in 18 month clothes but is pushing the limits on those, he is in size 4-5 shoes, he has a million teeth coming in (which are making him VERY moody), he sleeps like a champ most nights & eats like a pig!!  The kids sees food & wants it; his belly literally sticks out by the end of the day from eating; it is the cutest thing.  He is in the 98% for height & his weight & head are both average; I said this with Brayden too but his daddy is very happy that they have my height & has both of their football futures with UGA planned out.

Colt is into EVERYTHING.  We have moved the trash can into the pantry & have to make sure that door stays closed or else he'll get into it & pull out food to eat all day.  He gets into the stuff under the sink in the bathroom (which is just shampoo, towels, & TP) so that door stays shut & so does the spare bedroom door down stairs since he likes to grab the candles off of the night stand.  No is a word he says & he knows the meaning of but he does not listen too AT ALL.  He is very strong willed & wants what he wants & if he doesn't get what he wants he is already doing the "throw myself on the floor" temper tantrums.  I am afraid for our lives as he gets older!!

He is very attached to his little Mickey Mouse & blankie & likes to have them in his little chair downstairs.  He loves to be outside & loves to wear his crocs; he will grab them & hand them to me right when we walk into the garage & sit right down so I can quickly put them on.  His new drink love is a juice box & want to drink them all the time but he squeezes them of course so he can't hold them just yet.  He is jabbering up a storm & had a great vocabulary in the works but his favorite word is "baby".  That is what B calls him so he points at things that he wants & says "baby"; he says it for anything & everything & it is the CUTEST thing in the world to me.

Colton you are a little stinker but you are our little stinker & we love you more than you can ever know.  Watching you grow, progress, & change is amazing & even though we'd like for you to also be the baby you are now our little big toddler & you are amazing!  You are pure joy & laughter, your smile lights up a room & fills your momma's heart with love.  You are perfect & we love you always!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I can't believe how big he is. When is the next one coming ;)
