Thursday, December 10, 2009

So Sleepy Today....

Brayden fell asleep so early last night that when he woke up to eat at 12:30am I rocked him for about an hour & a half. He was back to sleep after about 5 minutes but I just couldn't put him down just yet so I rocked him while he finished his bottle, then had to burp him, then I just wanted to hold him & not let go. I almost just brought him back to bed with me but decided to just sit, rock, & cuddle with him for a while. It was great mommy & son time & worth every yawn today!!!


  1. :) How cute! Glad you are getting in that time with B. My night was spent with me sitting next to the humidifier with E on my lap. :( Hope tonight is better for me, but glad you enjoyed your's with Brayden.

  2. So sweet! Can't wait for those special moments! :)
