Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Catch Up Cont'd - Easter Sunday

This little gummy smile brightens my day & fills my heart with the greastest joy I have ever known!! 
 We moved on Saturday & slept in our new house for the first time that night so when we woke up Sunday morning it was Easter & the Easter bunny had come so we had plans to go to lunch with PaPa & JuJu & then take B to thank the Easter Bunny.......... 
The whole car ride to lunch I was wondering if he was going to laugh at the bunny or cry......as we turned into the resturant which is right by the mall I noticed the there were NO cars at the mall!!
Yep, MOM FAIL....the mall was closed & I missed out on taking B to see the bunny on his 1st ever Easter!!
Lance & his parents told me he wouldn't remember anyway but I will; I should have planned better & not let the move get in the way of one of B's firsts.......B was fine but I was crushed!!
We had a wonderful lunch & B had fun playing with the children's paper menu!
We ate & then headed back to the house to get some much needed unpacking done........
Brayden played with his plastic eggs like such..........
Played with his new favorite toy with his JuJu........
& sat on the sofa with his PaPa.........
All in all it was a great 1st Easter but I will forever be upset about Brayden NOT seeing the Easter bunny all because his mommy didn't play better!!


  1. Oh my goodness, he is just the absolute cutest. I could just eat him up.
    Sorry to hear he didn't get a pic with the Easter bunny. Cooper didn't either. :(

  2. I could seriously gobble that little boy up! His smile gets me everytime! I'm so glad you guys are getting settled into your new home & that you had a wonderful Easter (minus the Easter bunny, oh well!). Now I can't wait to see pictures of the new house with everything in it :)

  3. Has anyone mentioned that he is starting to look so much like you? Great pictures!

  4. We tried to go shopping on Easter and were equally disappointed that the malls were closed...baffled actually. How did we not know this already!? After driving an hour to get there we were thoroughly annoyed. I contemplated Easter Bunny pictures for Roscoe too, but didn't deliver.

  5. he seriously is soo freakin cute!! Cant wait to see pictures of the house!!

    P.S You have an award waiting for you on my blog :)

  6. that smile is adorable!
    as it the fascination with the yellow egg!
    too cute!

  7. Oh don't worry! I didn't bring Caelyn to see the easter bunny either.. Things got in the way too and I totally forgot!

  8. I'm sorry you all didn't make it to see the Easter Bunny! We didn't go either if that makes you feel any better...

    Love those pictures!

  9. I didn't make it to the easter bunny either!!! But you are soooo lucky he still sits for you to take pictures of him!!! I just love his smile!!
