Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Think I Might Be Dying......

How do I go out on my lunch break to Target & TJ Maxx & find NOTHING; I truly must have some new found disease or something! I found a few cute things at Target but of course they didn't have my size so now I am going to have to stop at the one near my house because now I have to have this:

& this too.......


  1. Are those part of their new Liberty of London line?? It makes me want to cry that I cannot buy any of their stuff right now...I have considered buying stuff for next year though, but I have held off so cute!

  2. Yes, those dresses are adorable! have an award waiting for you on my blog. :)

  3. I love their new line!! I was bummed bc I want the first dress but they also didnt have it in my size at the Target I went to:(

  4. I love the 1st one!!! Looks super! ;)
