Saturday, February 5, 2011

Boy Will Be Boys.........

Who started this statement & what does it really mean?  I grew up with a sister so having a little boy means learning along with him what goes into being a boy.  So far I have figured out that being a boy means being a daredevil 24/7 & having no fear about doing anything & everything.

Brayden has always been adventurous & done things that I thought of as little boy things but here lately he is shocking me with just what he wants to do & try.

For Example:
He has decided that he wants to & will climb on the outer park of our stairwell; he used to just climb up & down on the 1st step edge (& I was always afraid that h was going to fall & bust his lip, face & head open then) but now he thinks that he is big enough & strong enough to go up all 5 of the way there is NO WAY to child proof this portion of the stairs so I just have to keep telling him "no, no" & saying "that will hurt Brayden".  He of course doesn't care & fights me tooth & nail to continue to do it over & over again but I just keep praying that as he is learning that doing this is a "no-no" that he doesn't get hurt really bad.

I know that girls can be & some are adventurous as well but there is something about what & how Brayden plays that makes me realize that there really is a difference in how boys & girls do things.  I guess "boys will be boys" but does that really have to mean that boys will give their mother's heart attacks on a daily basis??


  1. I think it's a toddler thing, rather than a gender thing. My daughter loves to scale the outside of the staircase too....or anything else she can climb up or into! They are just little bundles of energy and exploration. And daily heart attacks are part of being their Momma! God love em!

  2. I agree with Mama, that it's an age related thing. Not that I have any experience though!

    You're going to have your hands full with two little men, however! ;)
