Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

I decided that I might need to remind myself just how blessed I am; not that I have ever really forgotten but some days I let the lack of sleep, drama at work or traffic on the way home get me down & when this happens I need to reflect on the things that I am thankful are just a few of these things!!

 1. Today & everyday I am thankful to be a wife to Lance & a mother Brayden, Georgia & Bella

2.  Nights out with good friends

3.  International Coffee Creamers
4.  The beautiful Georgia weather that we are going to have today...........80 degrees & SUNNY!

5.  Great Music like this, this,this.  I am a firm believer that music can lighten a mood, change your mood all together, bring a smile to your face, make tears disappear or even take you back to an exact time in place where you have heard it before!!

6.  God's daily guidance & unconditional love

7. Kisses

8.  Our New Home

9.  Our Old Home & the memories I have from living there!

10.  Bath Time

What are you thankful for??


  1. Love the post Mitzi, I am thankful that my son is ok after chocking yesterday! After it was said and done and I was no longer crying I had to write a blog about it because I know someday being a boy he will want to know all the things he did to make mommie's heart drop to the ground. I was just reading over it now and started crying again! :( I am just so blessed he is ok and smiling away at me today!

  2. Love this post! Think I will copy the idea. I am so thankful for my family! Have a great week!

  3. I love my new home but I think I love both of your homes (old and new) much better!!! You are so blessed and the houses are gorgeous!!

  4. Glad you're joining Thankful on a Thursday! Here's my thankful post:

  5. Great post. You are right sometimes we just need a reminder of how lucky we really are. It is too easy to get caught up in the everyday stuff!

  6. This is such a great list of things to be thankful for.
    I think that first pic of your boys is just the cutest! Brayden's little face is classic.

  7. Great is so important to stop and be thankful for all we have. And your new home is STUNNING!!!

  8. Your new home is BEAUTIFUL!!!

    I sometimes get so wrapped up in the things that are wrong or stressful and forget to be thankful for things I have. I need to do that mroe often...the be thankful thing, not the stressed out things!

    Great post~
