Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm Jealous..........

I am very jealous of my son's eyelashes; they are absolutely beautiful!!  They are full, dark & long & next to his blue eyes they are stunning; if I didn't wear mascara you wouldn't even see mine so I am VERY jealous!!  Do you see what I am talking about?? 

Is it bad that I feel this way??


  1. Ha! He does have lovely lashes! Mine are like spider legs that stick STRAIGHT out from my eyes. I heart my eyelash curler!! Why can't we all have baby boy lashes??

  2. I'm jealous of them too...they are amazing!
    Lucky boy...

  3. Hahaha... Boys usually do get the awesome lashes! I feel like that with E too! How is it fair that they always get them?
