Thursday, February 24, 2011

Forrest Gump Was Right.........

"Life is Like a Box of Chocolates; You Never Know What Your Gonna Get"

I just wish that my days & nights would stop acting like I just bite into the nastiest crappiest chocolate out of the box.  Everything with B is wonderful (except for his sleeping at night); we have been enjoying the beautiful weather outside & we even had the most amazingly happy & fun day yesterday.  But as far as Lance & I go, we are arguing about everything these days & on top of that Georgia (our Bulldog) went to the vet the other day & $650 later she is 74 pounds & HAS to lose weight ASAP, has a horrible double ear infection & the worst is she also has a UTI that I am about to kill her over.  I know that she can't help it at the moment but she is peeing all over the place & it is driving this neat freak BANANAS!!!

It is mainly at night so it is in our bedroom & I swear no matter how fast I clean it up the smell is still there & it is only getting worse as the days go on.  We took her to the vet on Tuesday so she had an antibiotic shot that day & will be on pill antibiotic for 12 days following but it hasn't kicked in yet so I am setting my alarm to get every 2 hours so I can get her up & outside to try & prevent her from peeing on my carpet BUT IT IS NOT HELPING & I am actually to the point of being in tears over it.  

I am not sleeping well as it is & now this is making it even worse; all I smell is pee & all I hear all night is her moving around so I jump up to see if she needs to go out or just make her get up & go out anyway.  I have had a UTI before; as I am sure many of you have; so I do understand that she can't help it but God please let her medicine kick in very soon so that I can clean my carpet with the steam cleaner (I am doing it today anyway since my pregnancy nose can't take it) & she (& I) can both get some much needed rest & stress relief.  I hate to think about how uncomfortable she might be as well; she acts fine except for not eating normally but I know that she has to be in some kind of pain even if it's just a little!

As for Brayden's sleep pattern at night; it has gone into the crapper as well; I am not sure what is causing it & he is not waking really but he is crying & sometimes screaming/screeching in his sleep on top off rolling around & moving a lot.  I am not sure if it teeth, growing pains, stomach issues, or what but I hate that my little boy is sleeping so horribly & not getting his much needed rest.  He is still pretty much in a great mood most of the time but I can tell he is not 100% & pray that what ever it is that is causing it passes very soon.

I know that married couples go through rough patches & stress in other areas of our life can cause this & some of our fights are about nothing & mean nothing but some of them are very serious.  We have to get through some stuff & I just keep praying that everything will be OK between us sooner rather than later.

I know that this post has been a bunch of bitching & complaining so I am sorry but if you can muster a prayer out for us today I would greatly appreciate it.  I am tired; tired of cleaning up pee, tired of arguing with Lance, tired of not sleeping, tired of being stressed, tired of crying over just about everything (the small & big things are both getting tears these days) & would love just to be able to concentrate on all the joy that we have in our lives now.............please & thank you.  I feel like I can't find the happy right now & even though I know I can't because I have only slept about 10 hours total since Monday, I just want to concentrate on my precious baby boy that I have the joy of chasing everyday & on the little guy that will be here in only 11 weeks.  I want my puppy to be healthy again & give me a break with the pee & I want my relationship with my husband to return to it's regularly scheduled program & get off of the horror channel.  I just want some happy & good days in the near future & don't think that is too much to ask for.

Before anyone says it or thinks it, it is not depression & it is really just stress & a lot going on in the Goodson household.  Stress relief & normalcy are the answers & cures that I am seeking but I just can't find how to relieve any of it at the moment.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday & again sorry for all the itching & complaining!!


  1. I HEAR YOU! I'm in the same boat (minus the dog situation) but seriously I feel like God could hand me a break! Two kids not sleeping in my house, my husband and I both stressed to the max and arguing more than normal (and were newlyweds, we should be having fun right?) It's a lot to handle!! I don't have much advice, but I thought I'd let you know I'm in the same boat. Everyone says to ask for help, sneak out for a date with the husband, etc. So maybe that might help. The sleeping with B? I have NO advice there... my kids are horrible sleepers... I think it's just a phase for B and he will get back into the hang of it! Hang it there girl!

  2. Hang in there hun. Life is hard, and these are the season we need to just keep pressing into God. Make sure you are always communicating with the hubby, trust me... you want to keep the line of communication open. I'll be praying that things get less stressful for ya.

  3. praying for all your stress, especially in your marriage. That can be really hard.

  4. I'm sorry things have so rough lately :( Wish I had some inspiring words, but all I can say is hang in there. It will all get better in time.

