Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday..........

It has been a very trying past few weeks.  I have been on the verge of tears for what seems like an eternity; I am tired but can't sleep, B was cutting 3 teeth at once (the top 2 are finally through now just one more), I am hungry but when I see food I can only take but a bite or two, I miss Lance but have been getting so frustrated with him (& he the same with me), the AC went out in our rental home, & the list goes on & on & on. 

Every morning I get up to get ready for a job that I no longer enjoy, I have to kiss beautiful little boy good-bye after only an hour & twenty minutes with him & I see my husband for only about twenty minutes & when I finally pull myself away from them & get in the car I tend to ask God "Why am I feeling like this & what can I do to fix it & enjoy my life again?"  I have just been praying for his help & guidance & slowly but shirley I am letting go & giving it all to God........He will look after me always!!

I am thankful for:

35.  The overwhelming sense that He is ALWAYS with me!

36.  My uncle being home from the hospital resting & gearing up for his daughter's (my cousin's) wedding on July 9th.

37.  4 day weekends - today is my Friday!!

38.  Fly Swatters & all things that bring a smile to our sometimes grumpy little boy

39.  that he got this from me.............Like Mother, Like Son

40.  Sleeping Babies

41.  These love filled Blue Eyes that always brighten my day!!

42.  For the clean & fresh smell ouside after a rain storm

43.  For Emergen-C..........without this my head for fall on my desk just about everyday!!

What are you thankful for??
Head over to the Tarr Pit to Link Up!!


  1. Aren't long weekends just the best?!? I'm thankful for those too!

  2. I love "giving it all to God" There is an amazing sense of relief and joy that comes in that. Do it, sister, everyday, and in Him, you will find glory!

  3. Oh I hope your week gets better! Balance is so hard, huh???!

  4. awww i am praying for you and i hope life starts to get better. Those blue eyes make it all worthwhile! :)

  5. Linking up at the Tarr Pit links up with me at the McGlothin Family Nest too! Claire has those blue eyes too and I'm just afraid that one day she;ll be able to bat those baby blues and get just about ANYTHING!

    I know how it feels to spend such little time with the hubs and baby. But giving it to God is all we can do and all He wants us to do. I agree with Carol- in Him you will find glory!

  6. What a little cutie!! It is hard when we don't get enough sleep. You poor thing. Teething can be really hard. I am following you now! Come visit me at Mamas' Little Chick.

    Mama Hen
