Thursday, March 24, 2011

Georgia Love........

So this week is not going the way that I had hoped & prayed for it too & after last weeks messes I am feeling very down & am crying a lot; the everyday stresses are just a lot to handle on top of being 6 weeks away from our little guys arrival.  I guess I have to say that I am happy that I have managed to not injure myself in any way, shape or form however our bulldog; Georgia has to have surgery tomorrow & I am pretty worried about her handling the anesthesia (since she didn't do well when she got fixed) & also dog surgery is EXPENSIVE!!!!

She has been going back & forth to the vet for about a month now & they have finally concluded that the UTI we have been struggling to fight off with antibiotics has not gone away because (after doing x-rays Tuesday) they have found 4 rather large stones in her bladder/kidneys & the only way to get rid of stones in a dog is surgery.  Please don't miss understand I am over the moon that they have finally figured out what the issue is & that she will hopefully be feeling better & back to her lazy self very soon HOWEVER our purse strings have been pulled very tight because of her past visits & now this next visit on Friday is going to cost us another $ read that right $1500 to have 4 stones removed from a bulldog & this is with PetSmart's "plan thingy" that does save us money!!

It isn't that we don't want to spend the money to get her back to her amazingly wonderful lazy self but with the current crappy economy effecting hubby's income, me being a SAHM,  Colton on the way & needing to purchase the remainder of his necessities, the fact that we have already shelled out over $1000 in vet bills & the fact that we just managed to put some of our tax refund money into savings for "a rainy day".............we just didn't want the rainy day to be so soon!  We love our dogs & would do anything for them but goodness gracious this is quite a large expense at a not so perfect time!!

Lance & I have prayed for that she be OK & handle the surgery without incident; we have prayed that this be the last 4 legged financial burden we endure for a while; we have prayed for guidance on how to handle the stresses we have been facing; we have prayed for a healthy baby boy to arrive in a few weeks & for a healthy little boy running around the house; we have prayed for peace on our hearts & we have prayed for so many other things so I am asking for your prayers as well.  I know that people have it worse than we do right now & we are so thankful for all of the wonderful blessings in our lives but it is a rough time for us & we just want to feel some peace in our hearts & heads that everything is going to be alright & that Georgia will make it through tomorrow with flying colors!!


  1. Oh my goodness, poor sweat Georgia. I'm so sorry to hear she has to have surgery. I will pray for her to do well.
    You have every right to be emotional about it. Money wise, and anesthesia wise.

  2. awww, I am so, so sorry about the circumstances of this post :( I swear, when it rains, it pours.

    Hang in there& take it easy. Everything will be ok. Also, I'll be praying for your furbaby. :(

  3. Ugh...I'm so sorry. Having a baby is emotional/stressful enough; you shouldn't have to deal with puppy issues too. I'll be praying for peace for all of you.
