Friday, October 22, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Brayden's Nursery

Kelly's Korner is doing the "Show Us Your Life" Fridays and I have been wanting to post pictures of our new house since we moved in months ago so I am going to join & show our work in progress!

This week is Nursery's & everyone loves to look at those so here is Brayden's:

Book Shelf Build By Daddy

Changing Table - my least favorite part of his room
BUT there is a plan in motion to get it fixed up just right!!
 He is quite the ladies man!!

 Closet - I am in the middle of cleaning it out so please excuse the mess.

My FAVORITE view of his room.......

Here's a photo taken at his birthday party with out the bite protector on his crib.........

 B's bedding is cute & perfect for our little boy

All Brayden's friends sleep with him at night & he will wake up in the middle of the night just to turn on the aquarium!  When he gets older we are planning on putting a real on in there for him.

 More friends at the other end of the crib to keep him company & the Bulldog to protect him.........

Dresser & Lamp

His Bear & Dog that he says good morning & gives hings & kisses to EVERY morning.......
without fail!

This will soon be moved into the new baby's room; sadly he hasn't let me rock him in forever.

Without the glider he will have more room for more toys........

He loves his room & I feel like it fits him perfectly.............
Sweet Dreams Sweet Brayden

Soon enough we will start planning the new baby's room; most likely I will be asking for opinions before we even know the baby's sex (which by the way we will find out on November 23rd @ 10:30am)!!


  1. Very cute! I really need to order a bite protector for Maddox's crib as well.

  2. really cute! where'd you get the bite protector? we couldn't find one big enough to fit the front (our crib is a lot like yours) so my MIL made ours.

  3. I totally LOVE his room! So cute! :)
